Item Stuck Problem


I got 2/3 in a tomb and couldn’t pick up my loot.
How can i still pick up items without reloading my flash player?


Have you tried item swapping?


what is that?
I tried putting the hp pot in the bag, but it didn’t work


Dude this exact SAME thing happened to me when I got a Def Tinc stuck over the second slot. It made me unable to pick up my Pyra ):


Sometimes double clicking on the stuck Sprite fixes the problem


Essentially what you did, however you did it wrong. Usually when you want a HP pot in your inventory, you have to use another item to move it in, like using that fire dagger in your inventory and dragging that onto the HP pot on the floor.

So putting the HP pot wouldn’t have worked regardless of if the mana tincture was blocking your loot.

Fours solution should work, because items get stuck indefinitely only if (a) you leave the area or (b) someone else snakes the item, so double clicking it won’t return it to the bag on the floor.

I guess all we can say is that your life pots are now eternally missing you. And vice versa. (Kill me)




Sometimes you can find a very tiny part of the Life pot/whatever item, behind the stuck graphic, that still allows doubleclick to pick it up.

Easy to be wise after the event, but I try to always drag the item slightly off-centre so that if it does bug, the tinc/whatever doesn’t get stuck directly blocking the whole space. So like on your graphic if you’d dragged it to where the “i” of the player name “Missing” is, it would still have swapped for the HP pot, but if it went buggy, would still let you get to any future lootbag.

Another way to fix, is you can sometimes find that dragging whichever number 1, 2, 3, etc in your inventory the tinc previously was, drag this number to another slot in your inventory makes the tinc reappear in your inv (because the tinc is really still in your inv).


Uploading… same problem again
tried double clicking doesnt work


Maybe you shouldn’t be dragging items anymore. I stopped dragging items into my inventory 4 years ago. I just double click them from the bag.


have you tried unplugging it and plugging it back in? j/k, double click it, and if that doesn’t work, you gotta restart your client.


If the item that is stuck on your screen came from your inventory, there should be an inventory slot that seems empty but doesn’t have the corresponding number it should have either. In this case you can just move the ‘invisible’ item from that slot and it should be fixed.

If the item that is stuck on your screen came from a loot bag, and the item is still in that loot bag (you walked away from the item while trying to pick it up) you should be able to make it go away by clicking on the stuck sprite.


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