Items to invest in


I don’t play too often anymore, but my vault is a bit packed at the moment and i’ve been wondering what items should i buy with lifes so i can save as much space as possible and still keep the value for as long as possible?

Thank you in advance!



decas and sts


preferably the expensive ones

alternativly you can use mules


And may i ask what a sts is?


8 life~ish :
fairy plate
geb tome (?)
ST spell

Not-so-expensive-but-worths-something :
MG sword
MG sheild
MG amor (?)


Since decades do not drop anymore their value is set to increase every time someone dies on one.


In terms of stability, UBHPs and DECAs would be best to invest in, since they are always in relatively high demand, and are quite easy to buy and sell.


But deca keeps making them drop in wc events


you’re a 73 star and you don’t know what an ST is?



He probably meant they were saying STS, not STs.

At any rate, good investments would be in DECAs. You can’t go wrong with those and there’s a slow but gradual uptick in those prices.

Classic skins: like warrior skelly, frankenstein knight, or nexus no miko have good value, but the problem is that those are more opinionated purchases and are less likely to be demanded than DECAs.

STs are more volatile. DECA recently had a chest event with more of the expensive STs. The prices didn’t take much of a hit but there’s always the danger. The STs you would want to go for are etherite(very high demand), pixie(very high demand), ST spell(very high demand), souless(very high demand), shendyt(high demand), Geb tome(high demand), fairy plate(high demand).

WARNING Do not purchase any of the knight ST set rn as investment. DECA is adding a rework for the set and there is no telling what will happen to it. If they simply change it to a reskin with no ST bonus, prices will most likely tank. Also who knows if DECA will just straight up delete it or make it SB.

Best bet: DECAs


Anyone else remember when those dropped in public bags for an event?
I got one and they were selling for ~3 life then
I saved mine :+1:


It’s more likely that it’ll remain and stop dropping and the new set will be a whole different thing.


It most definitely will be sb. If I’m wrong, everyone can refer to me as a fool in man’s clothes. Someone be witness to this.


It won’t be worth more because it’s going to lose its ST aspect if anything. So who’d pay 1-2 life more for that. Also the knight ST pieces have been dropping like apples off of trees in these chest events so prices are already down.

@AKLDragon I remember that. I think it was during halloween last year? I’m pretty sure it also dropped huntsman archer.


No, it was during Halloween 2 years ago. (Feel old yet?) I remember spam-clicking the area
the first slot of the loot bag would be at and grabbing the skin before anyone else had time to react (they weren’t happy).


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