I've blocked myself help


So basically, my game died for some minutes and I was able to see myself and I had an idea “hmmm I think I’ll block myself haha” then I did it! It was being cool until I got disconnected and didn’t unblock me so now I can’t see my own messages


plz help


send a support ticket, hopefully you don’t get chris


whatd chris do


Happened to me, but I resisted the urge thankfully


chris in general is a really shitty support guy (or whatever they call them) and he’s been known to reply with messages that seem downright automated.

Hell, we don’t even know if chris is an actual person, or a bot like MrEyeBall.


@WindowsHDD I sware he’s a bot, I gave evidence of a server mishap that finessed me, filed appropriately under the correct area of DECA’s help line, and got a seemingly automated, final response email. Emailed em back, and got one that was of an even more automated nature, that said services that they listed in categories of their help-line, of which I selected weren’t services that they provide. I remain confused as why they even list help for anything past issues with purchases, good luck with your unblocking though @Oryxjpk


The only way to unblock yourself is to wait until the glitch happens again and u see 2 of yourself. I got 2 of myself in an oryx castle before and in nexus. I think it was like Port Security 2050 Firewall or somthing like that


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