I've fallen into the Necker side


Necromancer need a buff


Can you guys stop debating stupid (at this point) meme shit?


My question is why you have to choose one.


Paden needs a buff


Not until we finally decide who’s better.


I know your trying to prove your point, I did the same with ninja, but you made a couple mistakes. Lemme show you.

  1. instant heal might be much better in the moment, but having a constant stream of healing with the paladins regeneration buff is much more safer, and it is much more of a party effect helping others around you. Yes, necro can do the same, but it is not a constant flow of health. If you have one paladin, for the most part, you and others will stay above 1/2 Hp if played right. While necro would have short bursts of healing, but is not much of a team player and you have a bigger chance of dying due to less defense.

2)being tankier is not an opinion, it’s a fact. Heavy armor > robe.

  1. no, necro cannot shred through glands at the same rate paladins can. Like I said, paladins have much more overall dps (use a DPs calculator if you want to) and has a cushion of extra 100~ hp that would help you survive another shot or three. Necro would have to stay farther away from gods, and when you approach a god wall or when your rushing to an event, because of its low defense and no cushion of health, necros usually tend to just wait for others to clear out a way for them. Not to mention they would statistically have to nexus much more often.

  2. again, it is the most versatile class in the game, with good defense, amazing attack and dps, healing and party buff effects and the fact that it would not keep you just above, but others more effectively than the necromancer. Again, if you want to argue that “necro has more dps”, use a dps calculator and see for yourself.

The most versatile class right now?

Where having a debate, why would you try to stop us? I think a lot of people are enjoying this little debate, and I don’t see a reason for you to interrupt us.


Necro does need a buff lol


In all seriousness necro needs certain uts and sts in order to succeed but I don’t see why you’re saying paladin is infinitely better when it has worse dps than it’s comprable melee brothers and starts to become only useful for its buff in endgame whereas decker has been adding shit to make necro more viable and useful not only to the group but itself at the same time.


It is generally more viable, since with something like a T4 or 5 seal, can support yourself and your group much more effectively than the burst healing the Necro is capable of. Yes, Paladin may have worse DPS than other melee, but this is between Paladin and Necro. Plus Knights and Warriors have to rely on regeneration and potions and pets to regain health, whilst the PaDEn can just press space bar, gain an airbag of HP and keep going.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Both you and @ImTeBest and anyone else need to just stop arguing about this.

You can’t compare the paladin and the necro in the way you’re doing because they are fundamentally different. Yes, often times paladin can out dps necro (though not always like you seem to think), however the paladin also has to get much closer to targets to hit them, which can be extremely difficult at low def and in endgame content. It takes much more skill to get an damage in an ffa tomb on a pally than a necro. Conversly, it takes much more skill to rush a sew on a necro than a pally. They are 2 different classes that fill different niches and support different playstyles. While I cannot allow you to say the necro is bad or that paladin is objectively better than necro, it is fair to say that necro doesn’t function perfectly in every situation and that it doesn’t support every playstyle, but neither does pally. I won’t say paladin is bad either, in fact it is probably my 3rd favorite class, after the archer and the necro. Every class has a niche, no class is better than any other class Paladin supports one playstyle and the necromancer another, and thus making objective comparisons between the two classes is well nigh impossible. Maybe necro doesn’t suit your playstyle, but that doesn’t make it bad.

Why don’t you max a necro to 4/8 plus and get 400 base on it, then come talk to me about the necro being bad. I’ve already done so for pally. I looked at your graveyard, and the only necros you’ve had died with t0 gear. At least bother to play a class before you come over here and start arguing about it.


Paden need buff,

having a constant stream of healing with necros and priests is also safe… plus necro gets to sit at the back so no damage taken.

not as tanky as knight or even a warrior, no extra def in that seal, all ya got is that nooby ass heal.

umm are you retarted? Necros can clear faster.

ha no

ha, also no.

nwcro has all this and more (tanky is changed for range)

Dps calculator doesn’t have momento mori? and EP does WAY more dps than dblade.
nice try though


momento mori, no

exactly, what is a clean public tomb?

So, basically you are saying that necro is better at everything except rushing, which I can teleport to a rusher? heck yeah, you are just proving my point, buff paden


Not my point. Paladin is unquestionably more effective at grinding godlands and Midlands dungeons.


umm, no? nobody has a dps chart!!!


I put a dps chart in another thread, which I’m too lazy to link. I am aware that necro can out dps paladin with a memento mori at low def. I still prefer paladin to necro for glands most of the time, but that is just my opinion. Don’t try to argue that necro is the best at everything and in every situation. It’s not.






thats the point, does paladin have an EP?


no and it doesn’t need one.

EP is not practical