Jade Prism (UT Prism)


note: feel free to give your feedback and your thought on what you think about this idea down below

note: another prism lol. sry for any grammer mistake

note my idea: sin we don’t have any UT Prism as event drop i may as well try to do one. How the drop will work?
Jade drop the {Prism and Garnet drop {Kageboshi.

Jade Prism


this jade crystal was rewarded and given to Jade from Duchi as a honour for protecting his temple from any mortal, who dare try to challenge the Emperor power.


  • Tier: UT
  • MP Cost: 90
  • Duration: 4.5 Decoy.
  • Cooldown: 1 second cool-down
  • Effect: Teleport to cursor and spawns a stationary Decoy.
    Invisible on self after Teleport for 2 seconds
  • Stat Bonus: +5 Vit +2 Defence
  • Fame Bonus: 5%
  • Feed Power: 1000

Drops From: Jade

  • White Bag
  • Note: Drop Chance [1/650] (same drop rate as Orb of Conflict)

More info

Give us a little idea of what inspired you to create this item. Got a story or some lore to go along with it? Great!

  1. Not a prism if the edges are round.

  2. Not sure where someone would use this item. The decoy renders invisibility rather useless, plus you would be better off using a tiered Prism or Brain.

  3. The description doesn’t exactly coincide with the ability’s effects.

  4. Not sure where you got the Orb of Conflict drop rate.


Its the classic idea of a tele prism with a dropped substitute(along with invis to give the user even more time to place themselves).

Super op. Its the reason why brain doesn’t have tele.
Stationary decoys are much easier to use than walking decoys. Pretty insane when rushing.


About 1. If you look at the other prism sprites, most prisms (appear to me to) take the form of octahedrons. Id argue a cylinder has more right to be a prism than an octahedron does.


Is it, though?

A prism in RotMG most likely refers to an optical prism that bends light to create decoys of the user. Shape hardly matters for such an item, as long as it consists of flat surfaces and at least one of the surfaces is angled.


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