JohnMH's PPE Thread



You absolute lucky mofo.
At this point just keep ppeing, and you will get jugg and cdirk in the same day


This feels familiar…


Except it will be so much faster with that murky




That is totally what I originally said, don’t you see it in my reply


How do you get so many whites? I can hardly get 1


Says the one that got Jugg.


shush… that doesn’t count





I see that 666 fame there
What did you give to Satan?


Oh look, more feed.


I honestly can’t wait to see you dying with all ur shit, I’m gonna die laughing lol


That’s not very nice. :<





Quest was Thessal, lul.


wtf bro i barely can get whites when u get the one u want every 10 seconds.

i keep getting the shitty wrong whitesss ;(

btw ima make my new ppe thread if i can max my rare pet