Joshawsum's PPE Thread


ayyyy, more forge material!


4/8 on wis!


damn wish I got mercy’s but still good!


finally that took wayy too long


And this is where the luck gets insane!


FIRST OREO! yessss super happy


also 2k lel now I’m doing a different char after this


nice bp and so close to finishing the campaign!


DUDE YESSS! that’s reqs I think that’s reqs for lh’s and shatts nice!


max def… dude I grinded from 1 AM to 3 AM to finally get this because sew droprates are so cringe…well on a positive side, I think I’m ready for the halls event!


and that’s all the screenshots I have right now! Def going to be playing later today, so look out!

Future: I’m grinding lost halls today! Did a few yesterday, but for now I’m going to start doing tell on knight! Hope I don’t die!!!


Pub Halls I think is T12 weapon


He can use st sword tho


kk boiis, I’m back, and man, the luck on this npe IS INSANE!


literally second cult! :slight_smile:


only need the armor and I have the full set!


also 3k!


and this is where it gets insane!


T13 SWORD! pog champ!!!


nice forge! also some maxed graves since some guy slowed and made everything worse in final phase, almost killing me in the process too