Joshawsum's PPE Thread


cool more forge material. At this time I was thinking of getting a dblade, but…


another white back to back! now that I’m thinking about it, I could possibly get a chipper if I get another dbow with the udl event


did beisa on prod! ty for these guys for at least letting me stay for the miniboss.


oooh, perfect timing lol(oryx close right when I got a shield rune) my pet is so close to max legendary heal so I decided to use this rune for feed, and…


bad screenshot but MAX LEGENDARY HEAL ON A F2P ACCOUNT :partying_face:


and that’s all the progress I’ve made. I’m taking a break and doing my work, but I think I can be back later tonight to hopefully get a dbow lol


oh shoot I forgot to add this

2/8 on att


Not many screenshots today, because I had a lot of work yesterday, but here’s what I have


2k base lol. Now I’m definitely doing another class after this paladin.


3/8 on vit, but tbh I’m super close to 6/8






So yea, that’s all the progress I made. It’s not much, at least I got the long awaited chipper.


I was mostly grinding to 6/8 in there photos, so yeah


4/8 on dex


5/8 on def




O_O poggers tho


looks nice!!!


I got the best item in the game