Joshawsum's PPE Thread


nice def ring


lib event BOIIS! and this was after my second lib of the event the luck has really changed lol


nice nice


again a pog upgrade no exa hp but still good


ayo why is blue stuff under the nest spawner? (it looks really ugly ngl)




first book of the event! log 3 btw


that double book tho. log 2 btw


ayyyyyyyy nice!


I guess I can use it


and that’s all the screenshots I have today, I’ll be playing later today, so watch out.

Future: Mostly I’m just gonna be grinding the shattered kingdom event, and not really much else.


alright boiis I’m back, and I have new screenshots!




ANOTHER ONE! damn this luck is insane


all three books on my first day!


amazing luck book + brigandine


also 1/8!!!


@XBookwyrmX THIS, YES THIS< IS YOUR FAULT. Seriously tho, that sucks, especially because I have all 3 books ON THIS CHARACTER like an idiot. Rip

@Joshawsum At last, I have avenged my brethren… - Book


Fat F to you friend. :frowning: RIP


so yeah, that’s all the screenshots I have today, I’ll be playing later today, so watch out!

Future: Today its books 1-5, so I hope to get all books AND NOT DIE WITH THEM LIKE AN IDIOT. Hopefully, I can get the same luck if not better!