Joshawsum's PPE Thread


. . .I’m disappointed


I’m sad now :frowning:


nice helm upgrade


max wis


max dex


how rare are pure eggs? either way I’m keeping this lol


more forge


I’ll take it


anyone wanna trade 3 st quivs for warrior st gear?


this ss was taken after the one before this one btw, just misplaced them lol. either way more forge


deca fix your servers lol uswest was lagging BAD last night


max spd


decided to forge a cutlass because I haven’t gotten a better sword in a long time lol


and that’s all the screenshots I have right now.

Future: Again, if I feel like it (or more likely if there was an event) I will start playing on this warr at a later time


I’m back boiis, and I have new screenshots!


my anointed luck is insane


nice, I guess?




moral of the story: don’t rush dungeons if you’re not willing to nexus at first sight


and that’s all the screenshots I have rn.

Future: LOD and Tomb event look fun ngl, might do a ninja ppe on the weekend.