Joshawsum's PPE Thread


ayo boiis, I’m back, and I have new screenshots!


nice start nice start


bruh that was a failed attempt lol why did I post that


nice armor start


damn alr alr now I only need the quiv and I have the full set!


ok nice katana I guess


I’ve been baited! nice forge tho


nice def ring


good stuff for a ninja


I think this is the best tomb ring for ninja don’t @ me


why did I even ss this? its so common


nice nice


then I died in a lod fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff


next ninja start, and WOW I didn’t expect that at all


I’ll take it


ok sure


and then that ninja died (why do I keep forgetting screenshotting deaths lol)


and that’s the screenshots I have today! also 1000th post lol


and I’m back, with new screenshots!


decent start