Joshawsum's PPE Thread


me ebing dumb death number 657, hopefully the next npe goes well


damn I really hate rebuilding this ninja, will probably do a ppe alongside rebuilding in order to make it less monotonous


been quite while, and honestly I feel like I really should start using this more, whether a ppe is successful or not


great start


some good gear!


t9 staff alr alr





more forge! that’s always nice


got an ep!!!


literally the next sprite I did lmfao


forged an esben ring with the whites I got


ep shenanigans, as always


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Get in here, Josh (opened upon request of OP)


ok I’m been a tad bit inactive, but I hope to revive this ppe thread a bit

I have so, SOOOOOOO many unused clips and ss’s, so if I lose motivation, I can always post the failed ones while I’m rebuild motivation


ok bad news forums suck when it comes to clip sharing


ok screw this, I will be just posting screenshots like usual


alr time to actually revive this thread

