Just a whole lotta polls


Whatever you want. I cannot decide what works best for you.


What type of class is your pot farmer?

  • Wizard
  • Priest
  • Necro
  • Mystic
  • Sorcerer
  • Archer
  • Huntress
  • Rogue
  • Trickster
  • Assassin
  • Knight
  • Warrior
  • Paladin
  • Ninja
  • Samurai
  • Bard
  • Multiple
  • No opinion
  • Unsure
  • I just grab a random class to do the job.

0 voters

For GLand farmer (mainly to handle farming Defence and Attack), I send my Sorcerer. But when it comes to dungeon farming (Abyss, UDL…), I send either Paladin or Warrior (could be more).


Paladin rn, using a rapier for fun


twas hunt until she died but ive noticed that in the past and rn, its predominantly pally


look at the chads who just pick a random character :flushed::flushed:


If I was still stuck at an uncommon pet and couldn’t max characters, then I’d try to optimize my class selection for each given scenario. But since I have a maxed legendary pet and maxed characters, the class I select is going to have very little impact on how efficiently I farm the godlands and associated dungeons.

So I just use whatever I’m most interested in playing with at that given time.

Gamma's Art Dump

In approximately six hours, DBiz and I will be participating in a 1v1 RotMG survival duel. We will be pitted together in a Secluded Thicket. Whoever survives for the longest will be declared the winner.

Additional Rules:

  • The characters used must both be Level 1 Wizards.
  • No pets.

Who do you think will win?

  • RogueGamma
  • DBiz

0 voters




So, what was the result?

  • Buy Minecraft
  • Play cracked Minecraft

0 voters


DBiz won. I died in around five seconds, tanking one of the larger projectiles. Forum post link.


How do you deal with your characters’ demises?

  • Temporary taking a break for certain duration of time (or even permanently quit the game if too devastating).
  • Shrug it off and keep playing as if nothing happened.
  • Depends.
  • No opinion.
  • Stop. Just stop.
  • Multiple
  • Your own way (comment plox).

0 voters


I don’t take a break, I just die inside a little and then die on the rest of my decent characters


That sounds like cluster suicides. That really remind me my bad MotMG moments.


they’re not suicides, I just play A LOT worse when I’m frustrated


That can happen sometime. It’s like when you panic/frustrated, you tend to perform worse than before.


I like to think of deaths as opportunities to try things I’ve always wanted to do. For example, if I die on an Archer, maybe it’s time to shake things up and boot up a Paladin. If I ever lack the gear or pots to make another powerful character, I’d use the blank character slot for a PPE, play a little, and essentially try to water down the pain. I found that instantly dropping the game makes me think about the death a lot and thus feel more frustrated.


Not relevant in this case as “Life” is a synecdoche, “Potion of Life” is the actual item and in that case “potions” would be the plural word.


Now for robe choice…

  • Robe of the Grand Sorcerer: Classic choice, all round
  • Shendyt of Geb: HP bonus, +7 Vit for OoC, pairs well with Ring of Geb for +5 Speed and another +25 HP/MP (and +5 Vit too).
  • Tlatoani’s Shroud: Giving as much stats as UBMP/Wis but no defence. Pair this with either UBMP/UBWis… god tiered crowd-control.
  • Something else.
  • No opinion
  • Unsure.

0 voters


Since you say this will be a godlands specific sorcerer, might as well go with the shroud. It’s not like the gods will do that much damage when you practically oneshot them.


When a character dies, it depends on how attached I was to the character. If it was one I didn’t care about, then I’ll just laugh it off with friends and keep playing. If it was one I did care about (ppe, long-lived character, etc.) then I immediately make a new character to replace it, level it up, equip it and all that. It helps me get excited for a new character, and gets me going after defeat.