Just a whole lotta polls


Got ya. Thanks.


english and mandarin


I can speak both english and australian well.
I also speak french:
See? French.

Since we have already compared apples and oranges, what happens when we change the parameters?

  • Apple juice
  • Orange juice

0 voters


Would you rather:

  • The Rock: High HP, VIT and Def; Low MP, ATT and DEX
  • Glass Cannon: High WIS, ATT and DEX; Low HP, DEF, and VIT

0 voters


Glass Cannon obviously, as a paladin the Wis boost should compensate for the low HP and Vit which you have, so you get lowered defense for extra Atk and Dex, while everyone else gets a superpowered pally boost, it works perfectly.


likewise, a wizard tank would be op. the spellbomb would make up for its lack of dex and att and you would be able to get loot anyway


Solid as a rock always

adjusted the quote a bit, no offense french comrades i joke

Ive always viewed the french army as very professional and very efficient and have given a lot for the peace of europe


Despite them having a white flag as their national symbol for a year or so, the french were the founders of modern imperialism.


My favorite french colony was indochina. Because it was neither Indian or Chinese
I joke about france a lot and yeah they could of done a lot more in ww2 to fight the nazis but im thankful for them fighting. Considering how many czechs and all slavs were being rounded and sent to death camps, any help is never forgotten. France should of fight like Russia really. They should of never surrendered, it does not matter the losses. With all that was at stake, sacrifice was needed. But in the end the allies won so by association so did France


Whom do you lock?

  • Everyone in my guild
  • Anyone I like somewhat
  • People I find convenient to lock because of callouts
  • My very favourite people
  • Nobody

0 voters


Welcome to my mine!

  • We are mining diamonds
  • no.

0 voters


Surprised to see that this is still here, I forgot I had this thread.

You might also be surprised to see Iā€™m back after a few months.

Am I still a regular? :slight_smile:


Welcome back!


Is @Xaklor still here?


Iā€™m watching you :wink:


*squirming in seat





Private poll
If you donā€™t know what net neutrality is thenā€¦
google it while you can

  • Net Neutrality is good, fuck the FCC
  • Net Neutrality is bad

0 voters


Oops. Misclick.