Just a whole lotta polls


Not relevant in this case as “Life” is a synecdoche, “Potion of Life” is the actual item and in that case “potions” would be the plural word.


Now for robe choice…

  • Robe of the Grand Sorcerer: Classic choice, all round
  • Shendyt of Geb: HP bonus, +7 Vit for OoC, pairs well with Ring of Geb for +5 Speed and another +25 HP/MP (and +5 Vit too).
  • Tlatoani’s Shroud: Giving as much stats as UBMP/Wis but no defence. Pair this with either UBMP/UBWis… god tiered crowd-control.
  • Something else.
  • No opinion
  • Unsure.

0 voters


Since you say this will be a godlands specific sorcerer, might as well go with the shroud. It’s not like the gods will do that much damage when you practically oneshot them.


When a character dies, it depends on how attached I was to the character. If it was one I didn’t care about, then I’ll just laugh it off with friends and keep playing. If it was one I did care about (ppe, long-lived character, etc.) then I immediately make a new character to replace it, level it up, equip it and all that. It helps me get excited for a new character, and gets me going after defeat.


For the most part I just shrug off the death or, if the character had died with equipment I’d have no backup for, I’d take a small break (~day) then come back refreshed the next day.

But, if it was one of these 4 characters…

…I mean, they have been my longest surviving characters and I’ve chosen these 4 to appear in my stories as well as drawn them. They’ve become more than just pixels at this point, emotionally wise, so losing any one of them would probably make me quit for a good while.

Or, knowing me, I’d make the character again, get the same dyes and pretend they were saved from the clutches of death but lost all their equipment in the process. Either way, hope that day never happens :s


Do you find polls weirdly fun?

  • ye
  • nuh

0 voters


should @Seelpit change her pfp to

get it? It’s a pit of seals

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters


I tend to start a short ppe on the class I died on. They let me play without any fear of losing equipment I’ll need to re-grind, give me back a bit of nostalgia, let me check out the earlygame (which has become much more bearable with the increased max XP from quests), and - if I’m on a bow class - play with the Bramble Bow!
I like the Bramble Bow. It’s fun.




Seeing Seelpit as anything that isn’t swimsuit ninja by this point would feel entirely wrong and out of place, I’ve been used to it for so long


Yeah, NyanGamer was one thing, because they were still hunting for a profile picture, so something to match the name might have need appropriate. Seelpit has a history with her pfp, so I don’t feel that she should change it until she feels it’s time to do so.


And also its just plain rude to ask people to change their pfps.


To make it clear, this was intended completely as a joke


isn’t it meant to be a seel as in the pokemon?


Which Starcraft II campaign should I attempt to complete on brutal difficulty first?

  • Episode I - Wings Of Liberty (Terran Campaign)
  • Episode II - Heart Of The Swarm (Zerg Campaign)
  • Episode III - Legacy Of The Void (Protoss Campaign)

0 voters


I love the Wings of Liberty Main Theme!


I don’t even play Starcraft a lot, and I have no clue what those campaigns are, but Legacy of the Void sounds cool, so it wins my vote.


A space before or no space before a “:” ?

  • [word]: [word]
  • [word] : [word]

0 voters

I’ve seen both used on the internet, and i am not quite sure which is the right one.


I would put it right after the word, just like commas and periods


I can’t say I’m too familiar with the [word] : [word] usage, I always put it right after the word.