Just a whole lotta polls





I had been in relationship that was close to 5 years

but you see i am this rock

no emotion enters the rock or leaves it

well actually

i am this rock cvka

byt i wouldent want to pick either option

  • Be a professional hitman
  • Be an unprofessional hitman

0 voters


Being unprofessional just leads to more risk and a higher chance of bystanders being hit by stray bullets.
Either way, you’re a hitman.

  • Rule a country in Africa of your choice.
  • Rule Laos.

0 voters


I nEvEr HaD tAcO bElL
iM sO sOrRy

  • Earn $2 million in total for playing basketball for 7 years
  • Earn $6 million in total from working at a job you hate for 40 years
  • Earn $16 million in total from being a judge who has upset many people over your 30 years of work and is constantly in fear of an assassination
  • Earn $666 billion from owning a massive company that has created a product that was later found out to have caused cancer and killed 8 million people
  • Get $1 billion right now but die in the next 15 years

0 voters


id be fine with 8 million dead over my 666 billion if it was caused by something that was not ment to cause cancer.

But lawsuits.

And like how later is later do i get my 666 bill for 40 years before the disaster?

And right when i find out about the cancer i would sell the company.


Wait wait wait wait soo in 21 years of basketball u make the same amount as you do in a job you hate for 40 years?


And people vote for it.



Most painless and fastest way to go out

  • Pill
  • Gun
  • Falling

0 voters

Please mention another way if you have one.

Please don’t overreact I’m just asking.


Make sure that you don’t know that you’re going to die before you die. Just causes an extra layer of stress, fear, and whatnot. You don’t want that.


MAN those are some good ways to commit suicide




Well, if u want minimum pain and unwanted feelings, then u wouldn’t even want to know that u were going to die. So… not wanting to cause pain to others is a bad argument.

Nice edit there.


I’d reckon ODing on sleeping pills would be a peaceful painless way to go, though maybe not the fastest.
It also creates close to no mess people have to deal with later.


You’re killing urself, and u r worried about the mess u create after u die?


I would, because I care about my family and others.
I’m not gonna kill myself though.


This is a hypothetical situation in which u kill urself tho.
And if u care about ur friends and family in this hypothetical situation, why kill urself? U r worried about the small mess that u might create, but don’t care about the situation u leave your friends and family in? If your reason to kill urself in the hypothetical situation is strong enough to cause u to kill urself in spite of the situation u leave your friends and family in, you wouldn’t care about the mess u made.


If I cared the tiniest bit, I’d do as much as I could to soften the blow.
It’s also a peaceful way to kill yourself.


Riiiight. Hypothetical.

