Just a whole lotta polls


Yeah, my biology teacher can hear either by choice, also @Idragonet I watched that video, on the high part where you are supposed to hear laurel even if you couldn`t originally I still hear Yanny


shoot, according to that video i have older ears although i am only 14 years old. also, even when they lower the pitch i still can’t tell they’re saying “yanny”


You are reverse me

  • Green needle
  • Brainstorm

0 voters


is there a “both” option?

at times i hear “brainstorm” and at others i hear “greenstorm”

oh hang on it’s not a single choice poll


I also found something interesting regarding Yanny Laurel


Its just like with any popular band and people would say backwards it sounds like they are talking about the devil. People want to hear something that is just not there

there are countless examples and yanny and laurel things, its a common occurrence and auditory illusion

like how we can hear lyrics to a song without the lyrics being there

when sleeping

  • Music (this includes ocean sounds and all that noise)
  • No music

0 voters


doing lhz run in like 30

  • bring wizzy w/ pierce spell
  • bring jugg warr

0 voters

haven’t done warrior lh’s before
i hope someone actually sees this poll before the run lmao




y tho



I think my ability to hear high frequencies was destroyed by years of using a pc that continually sounded like it was taking off.


If you move the slider slowly your “critical point” will be off compared to if you move it in big increments

Which shirt will you wear?

  • A blue shirt
  • A red shirt

0 voters


I would wear a blue shirt.

  • Scrambled Eggs
  • Poached Eggs
  • Soft Boiled Eggs
  • Fried Eggs
  • Sunny Side Up Eggs

0 voters

  • Be a super edgi anime character with no friend
  • Be a regular depressed dood with hella many friends

0 voters

why not.


What if I’m not depressed but I still have hella friends?


why are you playing rotmg then


How many siblings do you have?

  • None
  • 1 Brother
  • 1 Sister
  • 2 Brothers
  • 1 Brother, 1 Sister
  • 2 Sisters
  • 3 Brothers
  • 2 Brothers, 1 Sister
  • 1 Brother, 2 Sisters
  • 3 Sisters
  • 4 Brothers
  • 3 Brothers, 1 Sister
  • 2 Brothers, 2 Sisters
  • 1 Brother, 3 Sisters
  • More than 4 Siblings

0 voters


2 brothers 3 sisters


I need my daily quest rewards :c


Literally is the second option