Just a whole lotta polls


I dont know what fairytale world you’re living in but i would like to join.


There are other effects, and I have been severely dehydrated just from neglect (running around at 100 degrees and not drinking anything the entire day does that pretty fast)

Both are terrible, I prefer dehydration (I just gave the painful effects, both have more effects)


Ha, I wish, I’m a terrible procrastinator although I’ve been working on getting things done faster


I hope you like headaches, blackouts, dry skin, and cracked lips as if you lived in California during October.


i think


glawi, campfires, and cookiemage have all stated openly that they’re gay before

too lazy to find the threads though


I cant speak for anyone but there is a difference from answering something on a poll and having your sexuality being the subject of discussion


pretty sure thats glawi, campfires and solosen


this honestly explains a lot, he has always acted slightly gay from what I’ve seen, heck I thought campfires was a girl simply from the way he said stuff until recently


I can’t tell if this is offensive or not



how does one “act gay”


how about we stop this conversation before anything stupid is said, again


Are you homophobic sir



Since we are on the subject


I suggested we stop talking about the subject mainly because it is talking about other people who may not want there sexuality made into a stream of post.

also this

So i shall assume what you said was a joke or perhaps you have had too much to drink tonight


I was saying something stupid


dont worry comrade we all do :beers:


Not 100% sure if you got what i was saying.



you’re not wrong, but cookie is too.


Lets discuss something else

  • Starve to death in a month
  • Get stabbed by a fork 40 times a day and die in a month
  • Get eaten by a monster that slowly digests you for a month
  • Ge stung by an insect that’s venom makes you for get all your memories and hate your friends before dying 2 months later

0 voters


i mean the 3 profile pictures in the picture epicnecros was referencing only have those 3, but i know cookie is too