Just a whole lotta polls

  • OSRS
  • RS3

0 voters

  • cookies
  • ice cream
  • pie
  • cake

0 voters


Pie, because of cheesecakes and meat pie

apple pie is pretty good too


Cheesecake is considered pie!?

slams the pie option


I’ve always thought of it as one, since it has a crust and all

smash that pie button!!!


Its like the square and rectangle thing. Cheesecake is always a pue, and sometimes it is a cake too.

  • Appetizer
  • Main Course
  • Dessert
  • Snacc

0 voters


Main course all the way


I like them sweets tho cuz there is such a variety, but same goes for main course.
I just like sweets more





Also I’d take main course, I’m not a big fan of sweets most of the time, and I like eating food




guessed 11 and it was 10.48. IM TOO PRO


When you have to be honest and you say you never had pie in your life…



I will go to the supermarket and buy you one for like $5, we shouldn’t have first world problems like these anymore


unless your parents are cheap Asains


What’s your blood-type?

  • A+
  • B+
  • O+
  • AB+
  • A-
  • B-
  • O-
  • AB-

0 voters


Blood type? People still use blood to stay alive?


Is your heart pumping red kool aid or something? Of course they do! :unamused:


Nah, I only need rotmg, coffee, and sugar to stay alive. I also need the occasional table to bang my head on.