Just a whole lotta polls


shiit that’s a good idea lmao


Already have the whites, $100 seems cool but
Count me in with the infinite supply of chips oqo <3


i can sell my infinite number of potato chips for money :money_mouth_face:


Money and whites are limited, but potato chips are forever
Literally in this case :stuck_out_tongue:


If you ad $15 on steam, would you rather buy Paint the Town Red or Clone Drone in the Danger Zone?

  • PTTR
  • Clone Drone
  • Idfk what either of those games are

0 voters


What do you prefer?

  • Paper and Pencil
  • Computer

0 voters


If you ever take a DMV test, go with pencil and paper. You can go back and review your answers or any that you skipped.


thanks for the tip ill use that


it depends on the situation, usually

  • I do
  • I do not

0 voters


what if I want to wet myself

Uhm, obligatory poll!

  • Earn a euro every second, but lose all of them once you hit 300 euros.
  • Earn 50 euro a minute, but lose all of them once you go past 300 euros.

0 voters


Like of I withdraw them can I keep them? Because then I can just sit in front of an atm and make a withdrawal every 5 mins lol


You’re going to get killed by the mafia, but the let you choose what tool they’re going to use:

  • piano string
  • concrete shoes
  • Garrote
  • Axe
  • Something else (guns dont count)

0 voters


I’d like to get killed by a heroine overdose. I’d definitely be happy before I died.


  • Candycorn is GOOD
  • Candycorn is BAD

0 voters

  • π
  • τ

0 voters


Y’all are a bunch of scrubs who don’t understand the majesty of Tau (the squiggly T in the poll). What’s the circumference of a circle? Tau * R. What’s the area of a circle? It’s just the integral of that, 1/2 T R. How many radians in a circle? T. Tau is the bomb. It’s so much better than Pi in every way. /rant


Oh is that what that is? Never heard of it


natural causes