Knight and EP


Ogmur knights can support i guess.


…but it drops at a super low rate from an event boss that may or may not even spawn once a realm.


Just because it’s not the best class in the game, doesn’t mean you should bash it.


Ok how is this:

If we look at the base fame needed for a char to be in the top 1000 of the class on realmeye, we can see how popular a class is:
The Ranking is:

1.Warrior 3115
2: Wizard 2967

  1. Knight 2887
  2. Archer 2766
  3. Paladin 2496
  4. Huntress 2025
    7: Priest 1941
    8: Sorc 1457
    9: Necro 1357
  5. Rogue 1296
  6. Ninja 1100
  7. Assassin 1008
    13/14 Mystic and Trix (both 872)

These are facts that prove that knight is a very popular class among advanced players, which shows that its “good”.


In public the only class I’m bringing is Trickster, maybe Priest but not anything else.

In private it depends how many people we have and what class they’re on. Most of the time I’ll just bring whatever ranged DPS I can, preferably with a Dbow.

There is generally no point in me bringing Knight, because there’s already at least one Knight with a Divine who’s better at melee Shatters than me.


Popularity, not effectiveness.

Mystic and trickster are the most versatile classes ever. People don’t play them because they don’t know HOW to correctly play them. The higher up the list you go, I notice the less skill is needed to play that particular class.

The most versatile class right now?

in a group of 100, there is agood chance for there to be warriors and pallys who buff your damage. i would still use an ep. besides, its just as easy to miss shots with cosmic as it is to miss with ep


P A D E N is better than knight


I agree with the you, the EP is a bad item for chests. However this isn’t because of the rather selfish point you provided. It is simply because the chest only has so much HP to go around, so by hitting 400 HP about the threshold, someone else may be missing the threshold by 400HP.

Also, you may promote some better discussion and teach some people by not sounding angry when you post. :wink:


If Knight would be bad for them they would have realized long before getting so much fame.

#36 knight has 1700 base fame. biggest mistake ever, can’t suicide because i made the mistake of putting a backpack and 8/8ing it


EP, duh its overrated. I do agree that people should branch out because if you keep doing what you’re doing then you’ll keep getting what you are getting.


I cant comprehend how people find the knight OP? with all the stun immune enemy and anti melee dungeons segments, perma stun is a joke. O wow you perma stun 01 or 02. most of the time doing wc is not worth your time.

If the knight is incredibly OP then the warrior needs to be removed from the game, because that is a class that is actually insanely powerful


People don’t bother playing harder classes because they don’t have to. They can just play any DPS class and not have to give a shit about anything.

You can’t use a single case as evidence of anything.

And really, why would you suicide a Knight? It’s still a good character.


I’m just waiting for the moment that HerpDerryO replies to us all with “kappa”.


You can suicide it, you choose not to.


YeS bEcAuSe OgMuR dOeSn’T hElP iN eNdGaMe DuNgEoNs


EP… is very situational and a very fun staff to use. Is it bad on test chests? No. Any staff class with maxed offensive stats will hit SB in one blast, hell, maybe half a blast. SB is not hard to reach, excuse my language, it doesn’t fucking matter as long as you do some damage what so ever, you can hit SB with 60 ATT and a t6 staff.

Knight is controversial, it was a very solid class pre-pet. After pets, yeah, permastun became a huge problem and it has yet to be rebalanced correctly. As such, they are more or less using stun immunity as a placeholder. I still think shield should have a cool down and anything stunned should be immune to stun for a bit (like stasis). At that point, any boss can be stunned. @Toastrz I believe it was you that said that you would have loved to make the marble colossus stunnable to reward skilled Knights but it’s just not feasible in the current state.

As for the 1700 Knight, that sounds like a you problem. Try to at least attempt to use your brain before 8/8ing a char.

Next time you make a post, try to support your arguments with something other than limited personal experiences that, excuse my language, few people give a fuck about. Using only personal experiences and limited ones at that makes you come off as vindictive and childish and that takes away most of the value of your points.


Could not have been better said; wow


It’s been 10 months since I 8/8ed it, way before the introduction of stun immunity to most dungeons and events and the addition of Lost Halls.