Kongregate on flash projector made a little easier



This is not a guide, nor am i asking for a guide. I’ve used Realmeye’s guide, and it’s worked fine!

One thing I noticed though, that for the Kongregate version I have to copy paste the link each time after pressing “Open…”, because if I don’t then it stays on the loading screen… So just have your link ready on a .txt to copy paste and you’re set. Although apparently your kongregate_api_path might change here and there from the DO_NOT_SHARE_LINK … and It’s a pain in the butt to actually find the values you need: “kongregate_username”, “kongregate_user_id”, “kongregate_game_auth_token”, “kongregate_api_path” in the wall of text…

So i made this simple script. It’s commented, so it should be easy to follow.

I hope it can make your lives easier :smiley:

That was the message.



I don’t have to copy and paste it each time as it remembers the link and others and populates a menu, under the heading ‘Open Recent’ which appears immediately below ‘Open Location’. This may be a Mac specific feature though.

I just keep it in a text file. When the version changes I just need to replace the three places the version number (e.g. the ‘1533805507’) appears in this string. If Kong changes something, which happens rarely, I just regenerate the string from Kongregate, by playing it on there and copying the flashvars from the page source. I can pretty much use them as-is, except I need to unescape the HTML encoded ampersands which is a simple search and replace.


Yeah I’m not sure why i have to copy paste it… If i don’t it’s stuck on the loading screen… weird bug, I suppose.
Nonetheless, I figured I might practice my python skills. It’s simple enough so just copy pasting the link into the function spits out your values without having to search. Had a good time making it :slight_smile:


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