Lag in steam


Okay this might sound dumb but Ive been playing on steam for the past few years and I have a pretty decent computer than can handle pretty high end games. For some reason though when I get into lost halls runs or like mbc/void fight or any big group I lag like crazy and its super hard to move or get damage in. I’m wondering if this is just because of player count or steam or maybe everyone gets this not sure.

Edit: sorry if this is the wrong category btw


Could you explain what sort of lag your experiencing? internet or frames?


I’m not sure which it is. I’m guessing its internet and the amount of people in one space. Like I said my computer can handle frames so most likely internet. I’m just wondering if other people get really bad lag in big lh groups


rubberbands and black tiles=internet or server
low fps and framedrops=your computer


Ig its my computer but thats really surprising to me. I dont have a bad computer and it runs games like destiny 2 or csgo completely fine


Realm has some pretty fucky optimization, so that’s most likely why you’re experiencing frame drops and lag. I remember someone saying it had to do with how old/new your computer was or something like that.


Is there any way I can fix frame lag when I’m in large groups or lh runs. It makes it super hard to get loot and survive @WindowsHDD


I would recommend turning down particle effects and disabling ally projectiles, the first one is located in the graphic settings and the second is in experimental.


disable ally projectiles, damage numbers and all that stuff


Yeah ive already disabled all of that and its still bad ill look up some solutions to see if I can fix it. I was just wondering if you guys lag in huge groups too


Hi, I play on Steam as well.

In large halls runs, it’s inevitable that you’ll have some lag. It might get a little bit better by MBC and also better once you’ve reached void, but you may still find that some degree of lag is still present. However, it shouldn’t be too laggy as to severely affect your dodging/gameplay, especially during void and with the setup you have described.

It hasn’t been mentioned yet, so I will ask: do you have the Hardware Acceleration setting on? Turning this setting on offloads some of the work the game does to your GPU (which I think would help since from what you’ve described of it your computer should have a fairly strong GPU).

Anecdotally, though my computer isn’t quite the beast yours is, turning hardware acceleration on reduces a lot of the lag, especially in large groups (can go from like 5 fps to a more playable 15-20 or more). There are some graphical artifacts that you may encounter with hardware acceleration on (some cave wall textures may render buggy for example, but they otherwise have no effect on gameplay), and the Drunk status effect looks different (instead of blurring the screen, it does this weird zoom in and out effect that is a lot more disorienting), but it increases my fps on average enough to where I don’t mind those issues.


It’s due to the game being run on Flash, not your PC.

Once the Unity update comes out this shouldn’t be an issue, although it sounds like that won’t be for a decently long time.


on steam You can add some launching options (steam>libary>right click on ROTMG>properties>set launching options).

I have added some that helps a lot with fps problems:

-nod3d9ex -high -threads 4

(ofc write your own processor threads number).


Thanks guys ill definitely try these


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