Lair of Shaitan Chest Event [1st Aug to 4th Aug]


Shaitans drop list?
MotMG 2018 Discussion Thread (the anointed MEGATHREAD)
Shaitans drop list?

It’s a pretty good way of getting oryx tokens, and I’m finding that the loot drop potions are dropping frequently enough for me to be always boosted.

Also rip exclusivity of skull, everyone and their nans gonna have it.

Is it worth feeding pizzas to divines, not sure if I should be keeping them?


no lol




Damn drop rates are great, I’ve done like 50 and gotten around 10 loot drop, 3 rings, 1 robe, 1 spell, orange drake, phoenix, waki, rare skin(schankmaid) and a lot of moss and mystery stat potions.


Does anybody know what the approximate rarity of the Thousand Suns Spell is? I got it on my third or so run today, I’m not sure if I’m just super-lucky or if it’s just really common.


Got 3 in 150-200


4/130 for me


ive gotten 1 in around 100-120


This event sounds awesome, I’m so sad i can’t play because the Great Firewall of China


you can download a chinese version of flash


how is that possible???


what do you mean there is a chinese allowed version of flash just look it up


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