Laserquest's ppe thread


what does ppe stand for?


pet player experience




PPE (“Pet Player Experience”, although [Neutralman]( initially called it “Pro Player Experience) is a self-imposed challenge for experienced players. The bare rules are
1. Start a Lv.1 character
2. No trading or using stuff you already have to benifit your PPE materially with the exception of cosmetics and backpacks


oryx callout


oryx callout


first bulwark

reskin ambrosia


You know, laser, you should put those in #team-nine-loot, no effort spent + you get points. I literally cannot give u points unless you do that. (And u got a good deal of points already)


ok ill do that in a sec


another kill


was debating if i should use a backpack or not, then i got this



another callout

i got another callout but didnt screenshot



finally first mwoods orb




just give me a cwand…




I thought it was a high as soon as I saw the germ spot. :confused:


germ spot?


Herm*. Autocorrect and on phone. Yeah thanks.


i wish


