Le countdown


Everyone cares about people’s birthdays
My birthday sucked so I posted about it and it blew up with a 100+ replies, I got things from people and it was cool. So I think that a lot of people care about Keenan.




Whoop my bad.


Well a questions a question. Cant argue with that.

I suppose some people do care, but enough to say happy birthday, which to me is like getting a cake with all the toppings on it, since my birthday is on an awkward day being shared on April Fools Day not many people would actually think its my birthday. I mean its an awesome day to have it in, but there’s some drawbacks.

Yeah. Suppose I did go too far with spreading The message, and yes, you have the honour of stubbing my toe that reason!
Here’s an apology:


I guess its neutral. In some sense.
Though its nice for people to know its your birthday.


Hah, I really don’t know yet, my home guild is Foot Clan, but I’m in another guild due to innactivity.

But I’m taking suggestions!


Peace and quiet
My computer back
New phone

But above all is Good grades in my upcoming tests.

Character slot…

Or to change my name to CPMonkey…


I beg to differ.

Don’t get me wrong, I like Keenanryan, he’s a nice fellow. But I don’t care about his (or anyone else’s, including my own) birthday.


Based first page of Google search delivers yet again.



I actually love the dedication google can give you x)

Ty RMG c:


Putting this now because I won’t be here on your birthday.

Don't open until your birthday

Happy Birthday! Have a :cookie:!


Heh, ok!




Thank you :smiley:!!!

I got a new phone, so I can discord on Sunday if you want!

Thank you everybody!


Thank you!



Happy Birthday Keenan!

#April Fools!

hahahahahha! I got you there now didn’t I?

######The whole April Fools thing was a joke, Happy Birthday!


Thanks guys - Alton towers was great too!

I got a new phone with discord (hence minor innactivity), so you can throw me into some channels jwant f you want


How does this make you inactive
(._. )


–/-- Am I late to the party?
_/\ _

Herpy Berthdey Keenenryen!


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