Least Favorite Class

  • Paladin
  • Rogue
  • Mystic
  • Wizard
  • Trickster
  • Assassin
  • Knight
  • Warrior
  • Necromancer
  • Samurai
  • Priest
  • Huntress
  • Ninja
  • Sorcerer
  • Archer

0 voters

Mine is necro, I think its supposed to be this hybrid thing, but it doesn’t work out


Probably the Warrior because I’ve never had the need for a melee that focused so much on DPS. I’ve always preferred the Paladin, mostly because I get Healing and Damaging (which is arguably better than Berserk).


don’t really like huntress because not a large range of UT traps (dps and paralyse are the 2 main categories really)


I have a few that I don’t like in many circumstances:

Rogue: It doesn’t have the fun clearing ability of assassin nor the amazing double-ability trix has (you can use for decoy or for teleport) Also, sometimes it’s just a trix with limitations. That being said, it’s safer and nice for solo stuff or small realms, but I find it kinda boring.

Necro: It doesn’t have the fun spammy ability of wizard nor the spicy high-skill high-reward orb of mystic. It’s survivable sure but the ability is just kinda… lame? It’s just boring imo.

Samurai: Jack of all trades, master of none. Sensing a pattern here? Yeah, I don’t really like the classes that are ok at everything and don’t really have anything to play them for. They might be better if I had limited character slots, but I have multiple character slots for a reason: the way I see it, depending on how I’m feeling, I’m going to play a certain class. Mystic, Trix, Ninja for higher-skill classes, Sorc, Assassin, Huntress (with Cave Dweller) if I’m lazy, etc.

Also, unpopular opinion: all the classes are similar in strength as they all have various areas where they shine; hence assuming you don’t need a specific class for a situation you should play what you find to be most fun or the one you like best(this is why my assassin has a lot of fame on it).


I actually really enjoy the Samurai, as it provides a much safer experience with a piercing weapon from the get go…

It’s Archer that seems to sink below the rest for me. Exactly the same stats as huntress, but it’s ability is outdone by the versatility of traps. Save for really rare UT drops, I find the archer left as a weaker huntress clone.


Of course I’m the only one who dislikes Wizard apparently :sweat_smile:

I dunno, I guess the pure DPS idea just never appealed to me. With mediocre stats in everything but attack, dexterity and mana, and with a single target ability, the Wizard only really excels at destroying bosses, which is of course fun, but you lack the debuffs and buffs that other classes have access to, and DPS isn’t the must have that it once was. I did have a good Wizard a while back, but it was the Tablet and other assorted staff class UTs that got me playing the class (even before the reworked tablet). Sorcerer and Assassin at least do better in terms of crowd control.


ngl my only req for a class


Rogue, definitely.
The combination of daggers’ mediocre dps, utter aversion to teamplay in nearly every way, and mana reliance make it really unattractive for me to pick up one.

Mystic doesn’t come in toooo far away; I like playing her but man, Orbs are just so wack. I wish there’d bee some way they could be considered as a more consistent, viable ability rather than being used for either rushing or trolling, or missing a Curse.
If only, if only…


Least played? Rogue
Least liked? Mystic
Least exciting? Necro

Overall its definetly the mystic. The ability is sooooo annoying to use and since you can’t just aim right on the enemy and staffs are already likely to miss one half of the shots, the dps is also a lot worse than what looks like on paper.

Then there are also so many players who make unnecessary stasises. Except for rushing dungeons, its almost never useful. Almost everything that gets stasised (not including the pure trolls and rushing) is something that should be focused down immediatly or something that you can ignore.

Even rushing for its not great because of the bad defensive stats, stasis immune things and because you’re screwed when you get quieted.


obviously Mystic for me
btw Samurai is indeed boring class… until you get the most fun waki from crystal cave
i’m surprised that samurai is 2nd least favorite class tbh


I personally hate sorc the most since it has really bad dps and its ability is frankly useless since it is only usefull for crowd control which is often not really needed.


I dont like trickster because all you do is teleport and decoy, I think mystic is more useful than trickster.




Because outside of a really bad trickster, the mystic is the only class that can make your life worse by adding it to the group. Every other class either makes no difference or is beneficial


mystic is good for rushing thooo
trickster is really good in halls and for rushing in general too


I too dislike the best dps dagger class because its overpowered in rushing. So bad and useless.


I pay attention to many things in this game and one of them is advantages and drawbacks to classes.

Maybe over a year ago my least favorite class would’ve been the Priest or Necro because my picky dislike for the community at the time made me not really want to heal anyone. Right at this moment, I could probably even say Wizard, because I know the major disadvantage of the class too well due to having died so much with it being to confident with myself.

Anyways, I still have fun playing the Wizard these days, so I can’t really say that’s my least favorite class. I’ve even come to see the practicality in using classes like Assassin, Trickster, Sorcerer, Ninja, and even Mystic. I’m comfortable with all these classes even if they’re not the most all-purpose.

Necro without the full ST set doesn’t appeal to me after getting my legendary pet. I can’t bash the class itself though because if it weren’t for the adventure of a Necro PPE I made when I was a cute little orange star I seriously wouldn’t be where I am today; My pet wasn’t even maxed and was only uncommon. Also, in my early white star days, I had an extremely lucky throwaway Necro that got my 2 Juggs, my first loot in Void, MBC, and Cultist Hideout in their original variants, and more. So, while the class is boring without the ST set because I could just play Wizard instead to trade the unnecessary heals for extra damage, I still can’t just say Necro is my least favorite class just because my newly fused Divine pet makes it unappealing. In fact it’s the one class I recommend for players who want to practice at dungeons and become better at the game because that’s a big part of what I did as a baby orange star.

Now, every class that’s part of the DPS meta, I can also play very well, as well as crowd control and mobility reduction, AKA, bow classes. no issues there.

My single least favorite, is the Rogue.

Before I had a group of friends to play the game with, I used to enjoy Rogue in my earlier white star days for casual dungeon farming and rushing Sewers back when they were new. I got a lot of characters maxed that way grinding for potions. But teamplay is why I love this game, which is why my favorite class is Paladin. Rogue has the most efficiency when distanced from other players. Not being a big fan of rushing Lost Halls, or Shatters switches, Rogue just doesn’t appeal to me so much for the way I approach endgame content, even with the UTs you can get for him. Like, I use CDirk on my Trickster, because I almost NEVER play Rogue. His damage output sucks, his survivability is at least better than the Trickster [due to a strange phenomenon my guild refers to as Teleyeet], but her utility in most dungeons puts the Rogue back down again.

Contrary to the Necro, I don’t like having to be lonesome and solo dungeons with my Rogue forever again like in the past because now I have friends to play the game with, and it’s just ineffective as it is boring to bother with the class.


Mystic, not because of all the mystic hate or anything, but I just don’t find myself having fun when playing that class.


Interesting how most of the least played classes are just in that awkward zone of mediocre dps, low/mediocre level of teamplay.


Its just a different wizard