Legacy Tier Loot Bag (Poll)


I need to know which bag players deem most attractive and suitable for a new tier of items (“Legacy Tiered”) out of the following:

  • image Inverted Whitebag
  • The%20Black%20Bag Black Bag
  • image Gold Bag (White String)
  • image Gold Bag (Purple String)
  • image Royal Purple Bag
  • image Yellow-Gold Bag

0 voters


If you put the color of the strings in the Yellow-Gold Bag into the Gold Bag, then it would look even better.


This isn’t fair 1 has the black outline and the others dont


I’m using my phone, so I have to manually scale the drawing up, draw the outline on and then scale it back down which takes 6-12 minutes. Obviously after the votes are in I’ll add an outline to the best one.


I may do that actually. After this poll I’ll do another poll between the top three and 3 fusions of the bag.


Differentiate your items through the design and stats, not through making up a new tier.


I’ll do what I like.
Especially when I know forewell this will not be implemented into the game.
It’s not hurting anyone and it will always stay an idea at most.


Just make it a backwards white bag so everyone get cancer when they look at it


You mean the “inverted” whitebag?
This is a backwards whitebag: image


Yes, thats what I meant


I would have called it Legendary Tier Loot Bag


To be honest I had thought of that…however, it was too obvious as a name.


They are all pretty over shaded and have low saturation
btw whats LT




I know but what IS it? what type of gear is considered as legacy tier?

Legacy Tier Explanation

Very situational to the point that it’s useless in most situations. I still have an ideas for how it will work but differ from UT’s.


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