Lil' Jugg [Pet Skin]



I have searched for the Jugg for countless years, and the LITTLE GUY gets it?

Family: ? ? ? ?

Drops From: Hermit God, Grand Sphinx

April Fool’s Idea: Pet Skin drops in a White Bag, 20% drop rate, and the description is changed to…

Looking for the Jugg?

Pretty sure there would be a lot of priceless reactions.


I love this idea so much I hate it. 11/10


Wow my spooky boi really needs a jugg of his own

Cute duos :smiley:






my guild is full of memers


I like it but needs some more features and aesthetics.


I’m gonna make my own version cuz i have no creativity of my own


Update: 40 minutes of work created this overshaded mess. I like @GammaGamer 's one a lot better



Nah I like yours more. Definitely better looking. <3

:eyes: Shhh…you can’t let them know…


i love the descrption, sprite shape looks a little off though. is jugg really shapped liek that?


No because I would actually like a jugg and don’t want to be disappointed by this :confused:


It looks different because I added the legs underneath, and so to keep the whole sprite 8x8, I had to scale down the Jugg.


Why not just make it 16x16?


yea it comes in a white bag so it has to look thicc


I kept it 8x8 because I love the simplicity of the Jugg. Making it 16x16 would ruin that.


You went to town on the shading



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Wait why was this opened?

Don’t care either way as it brought this to recent so that I could see this wonderful creation