List of entertaining threads




Care if we make it a wiki post?


feel free to do so






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Thanks Doc


Um ok…

Doc, you LIED to us!!! :sob:
How DARE you betry the forum?!?!?


Now it wont autoclose again


heck, well was adding a new thread to the list and I think I turned everything into links. idk what I did but if someone knows how to fix it could please do so that’d be great!


Let it die in peace :cry:


Never! this thread is too good.




everything there was a link before that too, it just doesnt onebox anymore, which I think makes it easier to use


thanks for this list :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:


My notifications suggest you enjoyed this thread haha.


;;))) all hail powerful shatter :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

[ending all my posts with the thinking emote] :thinking: :thinking:


Thank you for letting me relive the samurai class thread via notifications <3


no problem! :smiley: #makelewdshatter