List of entertaining threads


I made this list of entertaining forum threads, feel free to put threads that should be here in the coments:


The General Chat Thread Temporary chatting area Shaxasno's Photo Album! Shaxasno's AMA for Regulars

Agressive/Cancerous Discussions (including drama)

Initiate > Member We must fight Talwar Interview Confirmed? StarliAS and JoshBros extra special discussion thread [rogue DPS] Be good to people, and good will come to you New Hacker!?!?! False Scammer marked for years

Funny Things

How do explain ST "Square Set" RotMG Comic "Savage" New Ninja Skin: Professional Patch Notes 27.7.X12.なにそれ?! RotMG = Lord of the Rings?!? Dear Diary

Informations about forum users

How much rotmg do you play in an average week (poll)? Post a Picture of Yourself Thread Post a picture of your country's flag Poll: Is english your mother language? What type of music do you listen to? Are you addicted to the RealmEye Forum? Are you addicted to rotmg [poll]? The Introduction Thread How much time do you spend on these forums? Battle stations Shatter Talk about your country! Ask the Person Below You a Question [Forum Game] This or That? Just a whole lotta polls Posts Per Day Average (life wasted per day) Weird Things you've done/Weird Things about you Survey: personality test ##DOXED!

Rotmg Jokes etc.

Bad jokes Best Rotmg jokes (no puns) Realm of the Mad Puns Conspiracy Theory thread Rotmg pick-up lines Realm pick up lines Rotmg Stereotypes! Photoshop Msellers ballin out and getting paid (redux)

Thrash and Trainwrecks (please do NOT bump these)

1 shot dungeon Did someone hack into my acc and steal 20 dollars? Otherbill - The Mod Doc - The Mod Stupid Bans? Why am I basic Should I fame train for white star? Treat others how you want to be treated If a level 1 8/8 dies, what kind of grave does he leave behind? Beware Sourcestone Society


[Finished] Realmeye Fanfiction Contest ~by Scorchmist [Poll] Pee or no pee in shower [Quality shitpost] Can you describe your character deaths using movie titles?

Posts Per Day Average (life wasted per day)
The General Chat Thread

This is a good one.

Yeah. So meta.


You want this one in the list?


Yay. Nice compilation, thanks for including me.


Step one on how to get people to bump them


If I wouldnt have written a disclaimer the mods would have probably killed me.


for funny things, add shax photo album

im special, b/c i get the whole category of other!

but majority of those are… pretty cancerous. interesting you included the shatter thread! got to include the piggby thread


But that is so active that pretty much everyone sees it anyways

Edit: done.

doesnt really have any information about him.


but isnt this a list? no harm putting it there, for those odd people who avoid it b/c of its name


merry christmas


Wow. Trofimowen and RMGNoob crossing swords. What a sight to behold.:joy:


all of trof’s post are quality


I sit bad that some of these are my most memorable?


Oh my gawd! My threads are here! I feel so…so…gaaaahhh!


Thrashes and train wrecks
Half of the posts were made by Zlushy
Beware of troll


Im pretty sure I hold the record for the most edited nonwiki post on the forum.


Put this one on here too!


The list keeps getting updated btw so feel free to check here once in a while


Add more of my posts plez


@Mynamerr these aren’t links fix plox