Longest ban time


why not set it to 2150 or something like that? They’ll be dead for sure by that time, that’s an effective permaban.


9999 days


Oh, so that’s the longest effective ban time?
I didn’t know that xD


no, its the 27 years, stu just puts in 9999 days


9999 days is a little over 27 years


well the ban was also a little over 27 years


Discourse (the forum software) requires us to specify a ban duration (in days), so we can specify any number we want. We usually just use 9999 or 10000 days for a “permanent” ban since it’s easy to type, but we could ban someone for longer if we wanted.


Cool! Good to know. :smiley: Thanks Bill


Max is 2147483647 rite?


[Excellent question—I would have to attempt to ban someone to find out. Are you volunteering? OB]


Aww, no scientific notation for that sick
9.99999 x 10^99999999999999999999999 day long ban?


[ints only, sorry! OB]


y not that 5 hexated to the fifth day long ban?


integers only? but 9.99999 x 10^99999999999999999999999 technically is an integer!


Itll probably fail to read that number correctly, because the data-type of the ban duration isn’t that many bits.

If it’s an unsigned 32-bit int, the max would be 4,294,967,295 days

But usually computers dont count in days. If it’s some amount of UTC time (increments for each ms) the max would be 4,294,967,295/ 1000 / 3600 / 24 = less than 50 days



64 bit maybe??

2^64 -1 / 1000 / 3600 / 24 = 213,503,982,334 days

Hey that’s pretty long.


Oh so just 584 million years? Yeah, that’ll probably do it.


Uh not interested.
The number 2,147,483,647 (or hexadecimal 7FFF,FFFF16) is the maximum positive value for a 32-bit signed binary integer in computing. It is therefore the maximum value for variables declared as integers (e.g., as int) in many programming languages, and the maximum possible score, money, etc. for many video games.
(This was what I was going for)

Also, a question that is quite off topic, (sorry) https://www.realmeye.com/forum/badges/101/licensed
Where do I find the advanced tutorial?


Off topic but here you go:


I laughed pretty hard when we actually started to search for a logical bound to answer this question.

Most of the rotmg community is pure memes, and then there’s this little corner where somebody says “how long can you get banned?” and there are legit answers based on the platform/data type.



Oh hey look, Its @Stupidity! I haven’t seen you in a long time. Where were you?

Also 2,147,483,647 days is about 5.88 million years, so yeah

The human civilization will probably be beyond internet so…


Now we have a reason to make an immortality pill. To keep this forum alive after a really long ban time.


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