Looking for a Boss/Enemy Spriter for Seventh Lab



7 Seconds

The 7th Laboratory is an Endgame Dungeon, somewhere at Lost Halls Level, which consists of 4 stages, similar to Mad God Mayhem: The Outskirts, Storage, First Floor, and Basement. Like MGM, each stage has a chance of spawning 1 of two bosses, with the final stage only spawning 1(although if certain conditions are met, much like the Void it will spawn another), for a total of 8 bosses[although you will only face 4 in one run].

This is a project that @FatOck and I have worked on for awhile, only to put on hiatus for 4 months. We recently got back to it and we’re almost finished! The one thing we’re looking for right now is a boss/enemy spriter, as those are the only things missing. We have physical descriptions of each boss to help.

The bosses are supposed to represent the 7 Deadly Sins; the 8th one is a surprise :wink: If anyone is interested pm me!

(Some spoilers for what we’re working on)


Sure I could help with some boss sprites but im working on my own dungeon atm




Remove the gradients (the layers of shading) on the armor. It’s unncessary and adds nothing to the sprite. Keep in mind that when making a 8x8-16x16 sprite you should have a maximum of 3 (preferably 2) shades.


I’ll join. I’m mediocre at spriting and lore. Send me your Discord User # or something?


An updated midnight star?


Trainer Zak #0598


It didn’t work. Are you sure it’s correct?


Try TZak#0598


Alrighty. That worked.


Awesome! Lmk when you want to talk more about it :slight_smile:


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