Looking for Friendly Active Guild


I’m a long time player of ROTMG, this account is 8 years old and I’ve had other accounts before this. I have a few 8/8s and a bunch of other classes with between 1-7/8. I have the Pots to 8/8 a few more characters but haven’t felt the need. I spend most of my time playing PPE. I also have a almost max Legendary pet. I have endgame knowledge and have played all endgame content. I haven’t played a lot since Exalts were a thing so I don’t have many. I often pop keys for my guild if others do the same. I want a guild that’s friendly and open to new players. I enjoy teaching others the ropes and having some fun. I’m not looking for a try hard guild, I just want some people to play with and have some fun playing with. I have experience running a guild and the last few I’ve been in the leadership. I’m willing to join a new guild trying to develop. I’m 24 from the US East time zone.


Wait, did you leave your other guild? Sorry, you don’t have to answer. I’m just wondering what happened is all


what do you mean other guild? I have been on break from realm for about 9 months. Also i think i have been in your guild before?


Yes, you were. You were looking for more endgame oriented at the time, and left in pursuit of that. I never heard of what became of that, and had no idea that you took a break :sweat_smile:


End game gets really boring if thats all you do especially if you dont have guild members that you are playing with. I left after getting burned out on endgame and changes in my personal life. Im back for a while though. I have some stuff that i want to complete but this game gets boring alone.


Message me @Hunterson whenever you are next on :smiley:


Im still looking for a guild,pm me on discord if you are looking for members Postman Butters#3350


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