
Alive characters

  • Wizard
  • Assasin
  • Warrior
  • Huntress

Minimum fame I have: 2.3k / Maximum fame I have: +5k Right now

52 Stars :flushed:
I play really often, this doesn’t apply on exam weeks though.
Preferably with some really active members.
I can use Discord if you want to.
Main language is Spanish but I speak English too! (Maybe I could practice it more with casual talks ?) )

Random abilities or skills:

I can max a character in less than 24 hrs.

Contact me via realmeye or in-game


When do you wanna meet and where?


being able to max a char in lesss then 24 hours. Is that a full max, single stat max, or a 4/8 or 6/8 or something like that?




8 out of 8


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