Looking for Realm GF


Hi, my name is Duckymaste. Some of you may know me as Ducky. I am currently 19 years old, and I am looking for a girlfriend in ROTMG. I enjoy listening to music. My favorite band is Led Zeppelin. My favorite movies are action and romance. I wear a white shirt every day and currently have 10 8/8s

Looking For Realm Girlfriend

This has failed 2 times in the past so its probably not gonna work now.


at least im actually wearing a shirt in this picture.


You don’t know until you try




All the girls in the room:


literally drooling


I like this song.


He clearly stated that his fav band is led zeppelin


I don’t care, Motley Crue is better and more American.


hi i have virginity dm plspls


Buying Runescape Girlfriend 50 gp!


Oh wait, this is RotMG…

Buying RotMG Girlfriend, 2 def!


Good luck! Tearing up


Oh my gawd.
Having a party in the class and I decide to open up Realmeye, Shatter’s @ led me here. Wandered what it was all about, saw some picture of that dude holding up that sign. Oh my fk. My huge sip of caprison almost flew out meh mouth.

On serious note though,
10 8/8’s? Hm.
What gear is on the knight and priest?
If you don’t got knight and priest class, oh well, Next.

Also, you’ll have to play Rotmg 10 hours a day on weekdays and 22hours on weekends(Friday and Saturday) to keep up with meh.

Also you’ll have to negotiate with Location from meh guild, we married yu see(/s)

You’ll also have to be kess cringy in voice chat, last time i was with you uh…

And you’ll have to eliminate Rmgnoob Xaklor and Scorchmist and TeamworkOk for anything to be possible.



They grow up so fast tears


Whaaaaat? What chu thinking? > ~> Even if Ducky manages to check off all these, there’s a 99.9% he’ll still be:


:wink: Shax, Knight and Priest. They’re my main classes too.


Is there anything running between you and @Xaklor/@Scorchmist or is this just another weird thing?