Looking for rotmg girlfriend


Im a blue star with only a level 1 archer and maxed uncommon humanoid pet.

I’m am 16 year old asian male and I play chess, coin collecting, play rotmg, and lift weights. I am 178 cm tall. Dm me ingame if interested, check my profile to see my youtube


I only date level one wizards with decades in stock.


I play chess, collect coins, and play RotMG GRAMMER!!!


Sorry, I’m gay


Meanwhile, I play RoTMG SPELLING!!!




hecc I do all of these as well, among other things


Shit tho, that maxed uncommon humanoid pet…you got me :wink:


And I dont date deca diggers


fuck off




@orsome Deca digger.


(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)


betting a deca that i can beat any of you in chess




Wtf I’m not gay though…


Wait…YOU’RE A GUY?!!


From my understanding most people on the forums that you’ve decided are girls are actually guys.


Way to ruin the joke.


Screenshot%20(3111) she’s definitely available @Alphamalee