Loot chest in Tutorial?


I think it would be pretty cool if there could be a chest in the end of the Tutorial, that would drop any 2 random items up to:
Weapons: T3
Abilities: T1
Armor: T3
Rings: T1
(Lowlands gear).

It could be a sort of reward for completing the tutorial and learning the basics of the game, as well as a little helpful boost/start for new players.

I understand that people could just run it multiple times to get the gear that they need without actually going to the realm, but that could easily be prevented by just adding a time limit to the Tutorial (ex: Need to wait 5 minutes before you can run it again, or until death). Plus, it’s not really a big issue at all due to the fact that it’s very low-tiered simple gear.
And it’s also very possible to not get gear that you could actually use. Once again, not really a big loss at all, because you could just get the same tiered gear from lowlands.

I don’t know, I just think that it would be a nice little addition to the game and any of its newer players.


Not a bad idea.


But what if both items aren’t for the class?




Give it a white bag toooooooooo



I like it a lot.


dude, the Ring of Minor Defense is the white bag.


Its not white tho. Should be


The only reason it isn’t in a white bag is because it is in a chest


I think this would be a interesting idea. It could help encourage lower level players to play and enjoy the game. However, I don’t know the difficulty of installing one of those. If it is difficult, it probably wouldn’t be worth it because it doesn’t change that much.


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