Lord Ruthven Resprite


I really don’t like how Lord Ruthven looks. He is unreadable, and has a weird pose.

I had spare time and nothing better to do, so I decided on making a new sprite for Lord Ruthven.




Nice, but the second frame looks a bit weird since Ruthven himself doesn’t move. Unless his cape thingy is actually a pair of wings? Looks like it

A :heart: from me though, good job :stuck_out_tongue:


He looks thicc


I think I made it with attacking in mind, he would briefly open his cape when shooting out daggers.


A nice concept, but I’d say making his arms do that would look better, instead of making his cape assert dominance.


While I agree on that the original Ruthven looks pretty good, I think he needs a bit more shading.


I agree to that on some degree.


WHere is his other arm tho? whats the giant 3 pixel wide black log? is it is legs? It’s not a good sprite despite it looking alright at first glance.


Puppet ruthven hype


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