Losing in Realm of the Mad God


These days, I can’t seem to keep my character. My 6/8 mystic was pure gold, but after I lost her, I’ve been dying and I can’t seem to farm up enough gear to survive anymore. Can anybody help me with donations, or farming pot dungeons with me overall? OR give me some tips on what to do, because I’m dying way too much.


First and foremost, the tips are far more useful than the dungeon help and donations. You’re just going to die again with your new pots and items. Tips will always be with you.

  • Max your pet, at least to maxed rare. Your pet is pretty bad - it’s 67 62, which isn’t great, especially considering how much account fame you have. Feed things like planes, eps, and other items that you don’t really need to your pet.
  • Make throwaway rogues and wizards. Doing this, you’ll learn the ins and outs of dungeons like sewers, abysses, sprite worlds, undead lairs, and other content by yourself. Take all pots that you get and either buy high fp items like treasures, or put them in the vault so that you can max a char 6/8 all at once.

After you do these, join pub halls and pub shatters discords. You can learn to do end game content, get easy loot, and gain a lot of fame needed for your pet relatively quickly. Best of luck to you.


I do pub halls. I go to Lost Halls runs with level 14 characters and get suspended.


I doub he needs tips. … He seems like a relatively experienced player. @Chennitoa pm me on discord Leohe#0013


Pace yourself, never do anything too risky or else you’ll end up dying over and over.

Do low level dungeons once you hit lvl 20 in order to accumulate some wealth. Focus on maxing your defense first. It’s always a shame when someone drinks a shit ton of random pots then gets insta popped by something just because they had low def.

I recommend not soloing anything, find a buddy or a few random players to help you complete dungeons.

Avoid difficult dungeons until you’re maxed on defense, speed and have a decent amount of dex and atk.

I know the thought of possibly getting a really rare item is great, but it isn’t worth the risk of losing your char.

Avoid shatters, nests, LHs at all costs.

Even though the difficulty level is much lower, I also recommend avoiding thickets, cdepths, wlabs, reefs, mts, etc. You never know what might insta pop you.
Better safe than sorry.


I’m cool with farming dungeons with you if you want, got a specific server you usually go on?

EDIT: Got a CLand key if you want.


Yeah, you have to max atk and dex first. Easiest way is to just bring a pally because they have low atk and dex and you’ll still be helping the group.


LH in pub halls / MCH are super safe if you play safe - middle of the pack, stay off walls on MBC, etc. But yeah, definitely wait til you’re maxed to start soloing things.


But…what about def?


Try to make one throwaway class and when your done maxing that slap some pots on some other classes. Rinse and repeat. Never play to risky, I feel that might be a reason why you’re dying. Also don’t to pub halls with level 14 characters.




Actually, I can’t seem to survive a void run. I can only do cults (because cults are hella easy)


Voids runs aren’t bad, you just have to be more conscientious about where the shots and safe spots are.
I would stick with cults for now though, since they are safer (especially for unmaxed melees) and you get a guaranteed rainbow along with two mana


Its the marble defender. Every. Single. Time. And I can’t get out because all void runs are full skip and theres a crusade behind the defender room. Where do I stay to avoid the arrows?


Hell no

Especially when most lost halls runs nowadays are skip runs. And the “middle of the pack” technique won’t work when you’re fighting MBC and Void.


You literally go to the front of marble defender and sit with everyone else, there will most likely be a marble seal so everyone can tank easily.

And if there’s a crusade behind you in the defender room they should’ve golem brained it before it could come close. Those types of things usually don’t happen in a well organized run.

This is another reason why you should max your characters before you go into lost halls because it sounds like you’re unable to keep up with the group.


oh fuck yeah i forgot lol it still doesn’t feel right that server was the bomb


yeah yeah obv i mean like during the skip/partial clear


Get as much hp as possible and just tank all the shots under the mseal that someone hopefully puts down
You won’t get healed by priests or palis, so use hp pots if you are under 3-400 hp. Most of the void runs I see are only oryx and golem skips, but try doing cults, as they rarely full skip.

