Lost Halls isn't a great dungeon...


Saying that Halls can be done with 2 people is like saying that I can walk to work. I’m sure I could do it but I’m never going to.

Kill a sentry and try finding your way to marble defender. It can take hours if you wind up going the wrong way.

I tried a sentry halls just yesterday. We had moved 4 rooms in 20 minutes. It was ridiculous and everyone just gave up. I couldn’t imagine finding all the pot rooms with that group.

It’s just not a reasonable dungeon.

And again, all the discords are doing skip runs . They really don’t save that much time, but the leaders are willing to use a riskier strategy to save mere minutes.

So I firmly stand behind my statement that Halls would be just as dead as nests if keys could not be used to access it.

Oh yeah. I’m sure tons of nests are being done as we speak.

I was a member of the Lost Sentry Cleanup Crew and it got shutdown. I know those discords exist. I also know they fail.

I explained very clearly why those discords would not work on a large scale. If your buddy with a vial isn’t on when a sentry pops up, void isn’t happening. Your buddy might not be able to teleport to the lost sentry. The Lost Sentry Might not drop a Halls. The realm might be full when the sentry pops up. It might take quite some time to find a sentry. The list goes on and on. Halls discords regularly do runs with ~80 people.

And when you get inside the halls the fun doesn’t stop. You might get a mystic that loves to stasis everything in sight. There might be a trickster that loves decoying the Commander, giving him time to spawn more adds. Maybe some mundane knights will jump in.

I get most of my lifes from thicket. Thicket is the most reliable source of life (excluding keys) because every janus has a portal.

Lost Halls wasn’t the only source of life added to the game.


LH in a discord to me seems to be easier than soloing/small grouping a thicket, also faster since you don’t have to clear a realm to get to it


I agree that Halls is easier in a group than thicket alone. But I’d definitely do Thicket if I was the only person around.


My point is not that you can only get life from LH, it’s that the introduction of LH and its associated loot table actually has devalued life (and mana) pots compared to the value they once held. And that’s just a result of LH being, by far, the most effective way to obtain life pots. Then whatever maybe stable, maybe not life pot value got smashed into a fine paste by chest events.

Thicket is reliable for life in that if you can solo it consistently then you have a guaranteed 1 life pot every realm close, without requiring you to use any keys or run with any discords.
However, in the time that the realm closes, it’s likely that you can get several LH runs done in that time with a discord; you have the very rare chance of getting 0 life pots from all those runs, the rare chance of getting only 1 life pot from all those runs, or most likely, getting more than 1 life pot from all the runs you’ve done.
And then we have the ~79 other people in the run who also have the chance of getting life. That’s a lot of life pots.

I can’t quite say for sure if the release of the Secluded Thicket devalued life pots any more than LH has (it’d be pretty hard to single out whether it was the Thicket or the deluge of events every weekend), but anecdotally I rarely see people running thickets nowadays compared to halls, and when it comes to bulk life gain, unless there’s like 40 people running solo thickets every day thickets are still producing less life pots than halls are assuming maybe a 50% chance of getting at least 1 life pot per run as a random estimate.

Also unrelated but re: “Halls discords regularly do runs with ~80 people”:
There are only like 3 active LH discords now and only pub consistently does them with that many people. MCH has been doing runs with around 30-50 people for the past few hours and SBC just… doesn’t, lol


I’d say “fuck you” for that eight motherfcking devastations, but… the thing that people really ought to get angry at is not, “I got this item much faster than you w/ much fewer runs” - that’s always gonna be a consequence of an RNG based loot drop system. That’s probably really not the issue, IMHO. You’re always gonna get one item or another that someone else wanted more than you, and had to grind many, many more of that same boss to get, but you’ll probably never notice it. The real (read: my opinion) issue here is the very real possibility of… I’ve ran something like 200 MTs to get a wand of the fallen (I’d much rather have a condu instead given my shitty pet and it was a poor investment of time/ease of access, esp. for the sheer amount of gprisms that I lost to it, but that’s a seperate rant all its own), got one, and then… something like <20 MTs later I got another wand of the fallen. It just… felt really bad and honestly, kinda pointless.


That being said, I don’t get bored from other dungeons, because I get what I should get

No fucking shit. Beyond the vague sense of entitledness that indicates I’m reading way too much into this, perhaps ("because I get what I should get"?), I’d much rather have droprates be too low for something than it become overdone to the point of nothing being unique, even if that means I get RNG’d out of the equation.


If this server was owned by madpeach, then it’s because he deleted all of his servers.

Including his halls and shatters discords


Actually, it can take up 1-2 hours to clear a halls if you go the wrong way, still annoying though.

Ayy, I remember that, good times (or should I say bad times). That also took so long because we were melees and the dungeon is very anti melee, looking at you golem monsters >:(

Don’t forget the multiple debuffs, armor pierce, and high damage shots that like to eat your rectum inside and out UwU.

Also, the random rushing guy, the dood who breaks the marble columns at the start, Asshats who purposefully drag mobs on the party, killing people or nexusing them, noob players who join for whatever reason, leachers, the list goes on for about a couple more.


I definitely like this game. Only pokemon really can take rotmg place from best game I ever played, in my experience.
But one thing is certain: there is no need in making items so rare, in a game where you can be insta popped and lose all those items so easily.
In other games without perma death, getting top item is not as difficult.
So there is no point on making them harder to get in a game with perma death. Doesn’t make any sense. At All!
Even when I start playing and Juggernauts or other top items were tradable, I always admired people who had them…(not saying I want them to be tradable, at all). Even when dupe went viral.

Not everybody lives inside this game!

I would gladly do more LH and people would buy more keys, if the drop rates were increased, for sure. So Deca would even get more money…
There is no point on dennying that.

Also, I don’t even care what inventory other people have in their classes. I just want the items to be able to use them. Simple as that!


I would also like to update this thread.

It seems that the general player population has caught onto the value of the lost sentry.

Lost sentries aren’t lasting more than 5 minutes in a populated realm.

Everyone realizes they’re free pots now. Just hit it two or three times and wait.

Just another reason why sentry runs won’t work - there’s essentially 0 time to organize them.


they do work tho if pub halls does not have keys and if u are in like a unpopulated server you will see A FAKING LOT of YELLOW dots running for that sentry like 1/4 of the map will be full its really funny when you see it first


Suggestion: If a sentry LH is completed, then the realm closes, and you get sent to an “epic O2”/O3 after 2 minutes. This encourages people to (attempt to) complete public LH’s, which might be feasible if there is strong incentive to attract discords/guilds to play in realm. The difficulty (and loot) of the epic O2 can vary depending on whether you completed cult or void (or both!).

The epic O2 will have the same layout and enemies as the usual WC except everything is much more deadly, and all minions have to be cleared before boss is activated to prevent rushing. The idea is that after killing cult/void, the void entity is released to the realm and possesses Oryx and its minions.


I don’t think that would be possible to code. Although maybe it would be.


No. This sounds way too pserver-y.

Players are already completing lost sentries at a faster rate, due to the increased interest in the cloak of bloody surprises.



i am certain that not everyone who runs lhs gets paid to realm
pro means they get paid to do it
because it is an abbreviation of professional
and your profession is your job
so if you are a pro player
that means that realm is your job
and you get paid to do it.
So like youtubers are professionals.


pls stop lol


What even :scream:


Just solo it lul (Plz no hurtz me, this is a joke, don’t kill me plz )


What if crusades and oryx rooms dropped the oryx awesome set? I could see that being a plus point to not doing full skips.


This is probably much less “simple” than you mean so if you would like to skip this over and leave it for discussion I completely understand.

In my opinion, clearing the lost halls is far too easy compared to the mbc/void fight. It is supposed to be an endgame dungeon, yet raids of almost 100 players have a minimum requirement of 1/8 and gland tier gear, and they still steamroll through most rooms.
A big problem in my opinion is the hp scaling. Lets take cems for example. Say player 1 and player 2 each solo a cem and take 10 minutes each. Now say the same two players duo a cem. Without hp scaling, that time (technically) would be 5 minutes. There are also numerous effects that would shorten the time even further, but they will be ignored for now. By doubling the hp, the dungeon would take approximately the same 10 minutes. Now lets add 18 more players to the equation (20 total). If the original hp values for monsters is multiplied by 20, the time should still technically take the same 10 minutes.
Lets look back at those effects that would shorten the time. Player abilities can buff other players and debuff enemies so that different classes can deal more damage. Players can act as meat shields for each other. Different players can target different enemies at the same time.
I think that the hp scaling should be increased. Not necessarily to multiply by the number of players, but the rate should be much higher than it is. This would solve the problem of having things steamrolled. Additionally, the longer an enemy is alive, the more total damage it will do to players— which can weed out some of the weaker players. Perhaps even a slight damage scale for enemies could be incorporated to make it more important to bring fewer players, all with maxed defense and hp.
TL;DR: Increase health scaling and add damage scaling to make LH more fearsome for newer players and more endgame-like.
As for making the bosses less difficult in comparison, that would be more complicated of a solution. My idea is to have lower base damage projectiles so that the players must still dodge the shots, but can afford a few more hits before dying or nexusing.


Tbh, I wish Lost Halls wasn’t done by pretty much guilds only. Considering the fact most people use Discord for communication, (Which I don’t use), it upsets me quite a bit, as I have 2 lost halls keys, and none of my friends want to do it together. Makes me sad, but I can deal with it. Just wish I could trade the keys or get payed for popping one for another guild…