Lost halls solo help


prioritize healing and don’t get cornered.

a necro is a really good choice.

try getting the character 8/8 first it can help in some things if it’s a necro try to atleast 7/8.


I meant it as a joke. It’s a solo if you do it alone, but you’re not alone if you get help, by him asking for help with a decision you can make the ridiculous leap in logic that it no longer counts as a solo. But that is not the case, leading to irony.


oh hm. i thought you where just being retarded lol.


I’m a fool, not a fool.




The joke is that fool has multiple meanings. Fool can mean a ha ha funny jokester which I am, but it can also mean an oaf which I am not.


yes i assumed you where a loaf of bread.


My ethnicity is of no concern, don’t be a djck

>:( stupid loaf


If rec pally or warrior that’s what ive been soloing with and haven’t had a problem so far. Bring pally to start with for the extra re gen while learning phases then switch to warrior after you feel more confident. Also as others said above necro isn’t a bad choice as well when learning.


Probably want a melee. Things have sky high damage in halls, and a durable class can absorb mistakes. Range is a problem, but csword can work wonders, and the limited range helps you learn to deal with enemy behavior.

Paladin can heal himself a lot

Warrior can kill things veeery fast

Knight can stun the leaders of any minion room making it significantly easier to deal with them. Also moarrr def!


interesting thanks for all the info everyone if you come with anything else feel free to state it.


that will not be a issue I am not rushing I don’t trust my skills at rushing and honestly I don’t enjoy it so I will be clearing but I am still considering all options I just tried the run because I found a pub lh that I could solo while farming on my assassin


only reason I would think of using melee is once I clear a few rooms I can use the dragging trick of running backwards while they run in to my sword,


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