Lud's Month in China


Communist can have classes, its about economic equality based on your skills and need. A family with 8 kids would of course need more money then a single man. A genius doctor would also be payed more then a common coal mine based upon his abilities.

They also control all commerce within in china, which exactly is what communism is about collectivism. This can include collectivist speech as well

These are also part of communism. With religious repression comes all those things really. Its hard to one without the others. Marv never lived to see communism implemented but this is what it induces, even in a perfect world as people say a fundamental of communism is religious suppression, because it is believed to control the working class. Which religous suppression is of course a bad thing


I am too, but my Chinese is horrid. However my English is quite good for my age to the despair of my parents…


Well, I’m born in US, but my parents really wants me to speak Chinese.


It’s been ran by the communist “party” since 1949 (looked it up) so I thibk we can consider it communist despite them having elections and what nots


But there is privately owned businesses and properties. If China was truly communist it would’ve fell with the soviet union.


Probably because a ton of forumers are Chinese and have family there.


Oh, makes sense then


By the time the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was declared defunct by Mikhail Gorbachev and dissolved in 1991, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was very different from Josef Stalin’s USSR.
Glasnost and Perestroika changed the country radically from a literal lead box to a duct-tape reinforced Home Depot box.

The Union’s economy had been a potato for nearly a decade, and Reagan potatoing them into making SKiF and co. didn’t help either.

The Union moved to reform and then died due to its original failures.


Hey Lud you have any cicadas blasting your ears 24/7


I see you aren’t a true Chinese person. For a true Chinese person wouldn’t have this problem because they stick to the single most important principle. If you can’t beat them, fry them up and eat them.

Racist joking aside, no. Where are you right now?


Well, they aren’t particularly annoying. I’m in 杭州.


I was there for a small bit when I was touring. Didn’t see or hear a single cicada.


From what I’ve seen in this thread, China sounds like some boring shit


It is some boring shit. Bring a laptop and a proxy/VPN or else this is the boring shit hole you’re left with. Nice view and stuff though. Cheap food and everything.


What really sucks is MOTMG is probably going to be in July and I’m going to miss the first 12 days of it meaning I won’t get whatever is on the calendar.


I will. But I’ll be missing out on fame boxes, events, etc. I wonder if I can port the proxy to a slow public WiFi network. If I can, it’s possible for you and Penguin to access the free web.


omg China I’m chinese omg


Can you try an internet cafe’s wifi? I think their wifi is more unrestricted because it has a lot of traffic

I unfortunately cannot because my mom is dragging me to every single mall in the city looking for authentic Asian products.

We just spent a week in america looking for shit thats made in the US and now its the other way around



You live in the collection of territories currently administered under the Chinese Communist Party?


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