Make a Wish - Supporter Beta Edition & Art Contest Update


x-post from

Realm Exalt - Supporter Beta March 18th! [also contains the FAQ!]

We won’t win beta access ? I don’t really care knowing all the options and such. Or maybe i misunderstood.


Information on how to acess it


The chance for actually winning isn’t even terrible


Also, note that accounts that already get Support Access will likely not bee counted.
Keyword: likely. I don’t know for sure, but bee nice and don’t enter if you reached tier 2 or higher during the Supporter Campaign.


imagine getting into the exalt beta TWICE


This one got a little graphic on the News in-game too, lower left pane:

Make a Wish - Exalt Edition


For the winners of the Make a Wish, see: Make a Wish Winners
For the Art Contest voting phase, see: March 2020 Art Contest - Community Voting!