Make chests immune to stasis


I cant think of even single reason why anyone would want to stasis a chest if he isnt trolling. Yet idiots are wasting everyones time with doing it in like 80% of dungeons. All that Deca would have to do to change this is remove one xml tag for like 10 enemies.


There is one perk to stasising a chest. If there are enemies around the chest or if someone is trying to catch up to it, a stasis will prevent people from attacking the chest while others are trying to avoid/kill the nearby enemies.


Only usefull use for this wich i am guilty of doing is stasis chest at 2nd with a conflict. Run up. Drag blues and damage the chest a bit befour running all the way down. Watch people freakout like monkeys over a banana trying to get their damage in even with the swarm of bullets…


that counts as trolling


Note to self: Don’t do any shatters with KiluA if he brings his mystic.


1st week with conflict
Havnt touched mystic in a while so no worries :3 tho…note to you …dont trust me with a huntress…ever


Sorry about that warrior


Lag spike op ;-;


omg, genius… good that i have a conflict


Oh no …what have i done…


It’s useful when you dc from a dugneon and need to reconnect and get that SBdamage in time, so you ask a friend to stasis the chest


Got him banned off every dungeon server that he isn’t already banned on.


The only marginal cases would be to allow time for other enemies to be cleared, eg. in Ice Cave if the turrets unluckily respawn as Esben dies.

Or if you have a friend who’s momentarily distracted so would miss the chest if not for the extra delay that stasis provides.

But as I say, marginal, and entirely not worth the rest of the time wasted by either trollers, or bad aiming mystics.


Reconnect? Was that a joke?


/s :slight_smile:


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