Make it so we can post in whine cellar


under a subsection thing that would be called “shitposts”


sounds as likely as Niegil dying Gaod not being horny


you cant be horny when your dead and death is inevitable so therefore


You can if you’re regular.

Regarding shitposts I’d say that everything that falls under shitpost can already be posted in off topic/community hub or its something which isnt worth the 5 seconds it takes to look at it.


I heard corpses can have boners though.

Okay I’ll take my leave now



I can be horny after I die :eyes:




this is not reddit, we dont want shitpost. But if you want post in the whine cellar so badly your on the right path


ooh you’re gonna give me regular??


Regulars can, but they don’t want to do anything that encourages constant new people coming on to whine or make idiotic posts

So only regs can do that
(But, as proved many times over, none of the regs care that they can put stuff there)


I didn’t even know we were able to.

We’re allowed to shitpost? :thinking:


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