Make pets stats show up as soon as you hatch it


This way you dont have to track down the one you hatched to see if it has the abilities you want






Directly being able to release a pet right after you see the stats would be a nice QOL feature.


It would be a nice QoL feature for sure, but also very time intensive to make. It’s really only an issue once your pet yard is close to full, and after you find your main pet you literally have zero reason (other than aesthetic) to hatch more.


I don’t understand how it would be time intensive to make. Couldn’t they just make the release pet button show up next to the Your pet is this: and the hypothetical stats that would show up under the pet sprite? (depends on how they code it).

They would just need to add a button that did the pet release function in the pet hatched/this is your pet name+sprite gui.

But yeah it isn’t necessairly as useful as seeing stats on hatch.


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