Make the *you know wheres* automatically turn into "[...]"


actually nvm i dont wanna do anything spicy near a moderator


What is the reason to not want them to seek it out?


RealmEye and these forums exist to support the official game and it’s developer(s). Fracturing the community by allowing the forum to be a launching pad into the unofficial server world is detrimental to the official game.


Have you ever had to type out a message, multiple times because phrases or key words resulted in your message being “flagged as spam”, so you had to break it down, get flagged again, and break it into 4 or 5 sentences trying to figure out what the hell is causing the server to flag your message as spam? Yeah, this is how we get there. Sure, it’s forum posts instead of in-game chat, but still. Bonus points if you say “to hell with it” after whoever you’re conversing with asks you to repeat that again.


I agree that’s bad design, and i’m happy this forum software doesn’t do that. Questionable things are still allowed to get posted but get thrown in the moderation queue. User flags can take down spam really quick, and everything else we check on a few times a day. I’ve been really pleased with the system.


Check out this extremely cool private server!

pls no ban




Lol yes, happens most frequently when I try to say “pots”. I’ve been accustomed to using “p00ts” now out of habit.

I thought grandma was referring to the wine making place tbh.


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