Many Ice Cave, Much Ogmur


Long story short, I want to try for this Ogmur. I currently have 20 ice cave keys:

As much as I like to solo things, I don’t really want to do 20 ice caves solo so I’m passing my laziness on to you! I will be hosting these later tonight for anyone interested.

I’m bad at updating my forum posts so feel free to join our discord to get all the info you need/your questions answered!

If we get a lot of interest in this, I may just buy another 20 keys and we’ll do a heavy event!

Anyway, come swing by, say hey and let’s get this going! :slight_smile:

See you there!


Uh just pop for edz


I have no idea what EDZ is. This is the second time I’ve heard it though


Epic dungeonz, it’s a discord that organizes runs and chains event dungeons


Huh, neat. Never knew about this. Thanks!


Popping all the ice caves in USNW nexus, come join the fun!


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