Master Telepathist (Trickster ST)


Master Telepathist Set

Set Bonuses: +50 HP, +30 MP, +6 DEF

Total Bonuses: +90 HP, +40 MP, +18 DEF, +3 DEX, +8 ATK, -5 VIT
*including set bonuses

Dagger of Illusions

This oddly shaped blade looks strange, but it’s magic is like an illusion to enemies, which is the only thing that matters.

Tier: ST
Shots: 1
Damage: 80-140 (average: 110)
Range: 6.2 tiles
Special Effects: Shots hit multiple targets
Stat Bonuses: +4 DEF
Fame Bonuses: 5%
Feed Power: 500

Shot pattern:

Note: Prepare for a tad bit of math here. This pattern, believe it or not, actually make aiming easier because the base of the triangle is really minimal, so no enemy can fit without receiving damage. So you have this wide shot that has no chance of missing.

This dagger is very useful because the enemies that it damages has a chance of getting damaged twice, thrice, or even four times. This is probably very confusing, so here’s what I mean.

47 PM
If this little boi over here is centered directly in the middle of the triangle shot path, he’ll get hit twice, once from the left, and the once from the right.

57 PM
Now if you hit THIS boi here, you have a chance of hitting him THREE TIMES!

See where I’m getting with this? You have a chance of hitting an enemy MULTIPLE TIMES IN ONE GO! In other words, if timed correctly, you have a chance of dealing 300 average damage.

Prism of Reality

13 PM

I was born when the universe began as the modern cosmos. When evil arrived, I felt a shift in reality, yours and mine.

Tier: ST
MP Cost: 95
Duration: 3 seconds
Effect: Teleport to cursor, Hexes + Stuns enemies within range
Radius: 4 tiles (diameter: 8 tiles)
Stat Bonus: +3 DEX, +4 ATK
Fame Bonus: 4%
Feed Power: 600

Note: The Hexing is only before the character teleports, so this doesn’t mean to teleport directly at a mob of gods. The space between Hex and Teleport is one second.

Legend has it that the Prism of Reality was formed when the universe began. Back then, the universe was full of chaos and evil. This prism, however, brought balance and light, creating the cosmos that we know today.

The prism is believed to have powers way beyond imagination, if that’s even possible. It can shift reality into a dream, and a dream into reality. It can make the universe collapse instantly, or make every evil into light.

But there is one flaw in this powerful prism. As mighty as it is, stronger and harder than diamonds, it is very fragile. Think of it as glass, sharp and harder than steel itself (that’s actually true), but so easy to break. It is only when the user has the mental will and power to do it, can the prism reach it’s full potential, if there is one at all.

Illusionist Armor

Never do I stop with the urge to gain. I get possessed, corrupted, and conquered, but as I eat away at their souls, it is worth the agony.

Tier: ST
Stat Bonuses: +14 DEF, +20 MP, +40 HP, +4 ATK
Fame Bonus: 4%
Feed Power: 400

Haunted Mindreader

When I looked into your thoughts, I saw terror, anger, depression, all of these evils lurking around. It was only time before I was possessed as well.

Tier: ST
Stat Bonuses: +20 MP, +50 HP, -5 VIT
Fame Bonus: 4%
Feed Power: 300

Note: This is not a really good ring. Unless you have the entire set, it is recommended to use an HP or DEF ring instead.

It is said that the person who wears this cursed ring can read the emotions of other beings. No one knows how to break the ring’s curse, though.

The WIS and MP additions in this set are rather useless because the trickster does not rely on his ability, but you never know. They could come in handy in a pinch.

Think of this set as more of a “re-make” of the current trickster ST. I don’t want the same thing that happened for my rogue and OTHER trickster ST happen here.


etherite on steroids. although its a cool concept

  1. All hitboxes are the same, theres a good chance you’ll hit only once unless you are very skilled at aiming, in which the max hits would be two unless the enemy walks into another shot (although chances are they wont because that would require for the enemy to be walking away from you which only occurs during certain phases of few bosses)
  2. I’m assuming you meant to put that the weapon is piercing
  3. I like that you made a prism based on “illusions” hex (shows some thought). However, hexing is basically stunning. Think about it: A shield deals damage equivalent to about 1 or two dagger hits (depending on the dagger) so its damage is minimal. It lasts 3 seconds and costs 100 MP. It only hits mobs in front of it over 3.2 tiles. Although this prism does not have the same stat bonuses as a shield and does not deal damage, it costs 20 less mana, lasts 2 extra seconds, and is an AOE with almost a full extra tile of range, but all around the player. Way over powered and does not reflect any aspect of a trickster’s play style.
  4. How long is the delay on teleportation after the hex takes place? If it is too short, players may still teleport onto extremely slow moving projectiles if they teleport onto the mob of gods as you say. If it is too long, another god from outside the range may shoot toward where the player is about to teleport to, and may strike him or her as soon as he or she teleports.
  5. The prism’s lore: “The prism is believed to have powers way beyond imagination.” Later you say, “It is only when the user has the mental will and power to do it, can the prism reach it’s full potential, if there is one at all.” Are you saying it is amazing or that it has no potential? :thonk:
  6. The armor and ring’s descriptions have nothing to do with the theme
  7. What does this have to do with the current ST?

Sorry for the harsh criticism. I like the sprites :slight_smile:


sprites look AWESOME!! :smiley:

Edit: except for the dagger, which looks like the t4 katana


i’m going to assume that the dagger pierces, since you didn’t include that in your description.

enemies can only get hit once by any given projectile.

… all this does is turn them into animals.
if your intended effect is stun, it’s outright broken. a longer stun and a longer stun range than shield along with the added benefit of having a lower chance of missing, a lower mp cost, and a safety net with the teleport is a bit much.

the ring and the armor are incredibly useless in comparison to the dagger and the prism.

well aside from all that, the spritework is notably better.

it’s not, the hex status effect alone is simply a visual change.


After skimming a few pages on the wiki, I see that you are right, and that hexing usually comes with stunned as an additioinal effect. However it seems to me that he had the same misconception.


that’s a nice set, I love the description of the prism, well done!


Dagger looks like useless katana
prism does literally nothing but teleport as hex doesnt prevent from shooting (I think not 100% sure)
Armor: sure
Ring: sure


Okay, I’ll fix some of the mistakes.

Mhm, fixed.

Got it. I sort of made the prism worse so that it’s not too OP.

I made it 1 second. If it’s too long or short, notify me.

Really? A suggestion with the lore? :no_mouth: So the prism has powers above imagination…and may not have a limit…That’s like saying 101 is greater than 100 and MAY not have a limit. May…may…may…may…

Check my rogue and other trickster ST sets. Everybody’s going wild, saying, “OOOOOH, Gamma! There already are sets for these two classes! YOU JUST BROKE THE LAW! OOOOOOOOOH!”

Edit: Any suggestions on the “Drops From” part?


When you edit twice to get the images aligned perfectly and you soon just rage because you can’t get it right and delete one of them. :roll_eyes: “You saw nothing.”


Orginal idea, nice sprites but i dont thing prism is very usefull


This is COMPLETELY underpowered, Ring is a trashier expo, armor is a trashier harlequin, prism is actually useless, and the dagger might be the only good part, but its pretty useless considering that hitting the corner of an enemy twice is VERY difficult (all enemies have the same hitbox!) Not to mention that the set bonus is absolute garbage compared to most others


not to mention that the current xml doesn’t allow for enemies to get hit twice by a single projectile anyways


Okay, I’ll change the stats a bit.


Everybody is saying that it’s too hard to aim the dagger, but it’s not, really, because no matter how hard you try, you can’t miss the target because the space between the triangles are too small.


Can’t be done anyways


:no_mouth:…Well now it can.


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